Commissioner Gimenez is getting positive press (not just feel-good) for instance for the plan he facilitated for the Causeway, featured in the Miami Herald today, "Miami-Dade has come up with a comprehensive plan to make the Rickenbacker Causeway safer for cyclists and pedestrians":
The thousands of cyclists, runners and pedestrians who uneasily share the Rickenbacker Causeway with fast-moving automobiles could enjoy a significantly improved margin of safety under a proposed $4.5 million plan designed to calm speeding traffic along the roadway.
The plan would set aside 25 cents from each Rickenbacker toll over the next five years to pay for widening and creating better on-road bike lanes while narrowing car lanes, installing electronic speeding warning signs, and creating a new shared bike and pedestrian path along the north side of Virginia Key, among other contemplated improvements. And:
Miami-Dade Commissioner Carlos Gimenez, who sponsored the plan, said it responds to an increasing call for safety measures given the gradual transformation of the Rickenbacker -- which connects mainland Miami to Virginia Key and Key Biscayne -- from a conduit for cars into one of the county's premier recreational areas.
I don't know a lot about Gimenez' political bent, but from watching many hours of the Commission and committees he is a part of, he seems sober, fair, fact based, full of common sense, and very experienced.
I hope he runs.
I also hope he runs. He asks the hard questions of County staff that other Commissioners don't, or can't, because they don't have his background as a City Manager. He would make an excellent strong mayor.
I have watched several years of commisson meetings, and have observed Gimenez in action. This guy has it!, He understands budgets and is not to far right and not to far left. He also has support from more than the latin community, I myself a non-latin white will support him for mayor,with my vote and my money. I feel this man is the person we need to restore respectable/honest government.
Number one and Number three sound like the same person.
Carlos Gimenez does ask good questions of the nitwits working for Miami-Dade County government. But he could not stop the $3.3 Bil bailout of the Marlins and what about those pesky fire union contracts?
While City Manager of the City of Miami and as ex-Fire Chief of the City of Miami Gimenez sure handed out sweet contracts to "his" union.
Miami is now facing bankruptcy. Isn't Gimenez working on this third or fourth pension? Aren't those sweet heart deals a huge reason why Miami might fall?
Carlos Gimenez's signature and fingerprints are all over the MOU's and contracts that now make City of Miami firemen the best paid firemen in the world.
As the firemen have become multi-milionaires the City flirts with bankruptcy.
Firemen making $367,000 per year? With 103% pensions? Health care for life? Second homes in North Carolina? The Keys? 40' boats?
Carlos Gimenez still works for the Fire union.
The last Anon's sound like a certain member of the City Commission that want to blame someone else for the mess they had part in creating. FACTS are FACTS. Here are the FACTS:
Gimenez left the City with more than $140 million in the bank, the lowest tax rate in 50 years, and an investment grade bond rating.
The issues with the Fire Union were not created by any MOU's. If you have any idea what you are talking about, 95% of the MOU's have no financial impact at all. That being said, Gimenez left in 2003... 2003!!!! The horrible Union contracts were signed off in 2007!!!! Four years after Gimenez left. Also, if the MOU's were so bad (which they weren't) why didn't the current Commission, Mayor, Administration, do something about them in the 7 years since Gimenez left??? Oh, that's right, because there wasn't a problem with that.
About pensions. This nit-wit has continued to try to spread mis-information. He has one pension, one he earned after close to 30 years at the City. That is it. No other pension.
Then again, it hurts when the fact get in the way of your faux-arguments!
As for the Marlins Stadium, the waste at the County, what can you do when you are one vote of 13. That is exactly the reason he needs to become the next Mayor.
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