Friday, July 16, 2010

Mostly, that's all folks ... by gimleteye

For nearly four years I have blogged as a daily routine at Eyeonmiami. It is time to move on. My opinions will continue to appear regularly at, Counterpunch. That work, and earlier work at the Orlando Sentinel, are archived at my blog; I will continue to post at Eyeonmiami, from time to time, on the most important ballot initiative headed to Florida voters in November: Amendment 4, Florida Hometown Democracy.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Thanks for what you have done.

Anonymous said...

good work Alan. your postings have helped make a difference.

Anonymous said...

You will be missed! Leaving us with the testy one...

Anonymous said...

Alan your articles and your blog always gave me hope that the crooks wouldn't win.Please let me know if there is anything I can do.Please stay in touch.Thank You Alex Larson

Anonymous said...

I value your opinion. Guess I will be adding Counterpunch to my Favorites!

All the best,

Anonymous said...

You done good work. Best in future endeavors.

Anonymous said...

Great job.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Alan, last time I saw "that's all folks" it was on a T Shirt with a mushroom cloud behind it. I hope you will continue to contribute your scathing insights on TP and Climate. Rave on!

Mr. Freer said...

We need others in Miami to step up and continue this great tradition.

EOM is a part of my daily life as well.

Thanks for all the great work.

Malcolm said...

Mr. Farago you are a brilliant man. But not so brilliant that you don't see that nothing that appears on the "ballot" means anything now.

This whole thing (the global capitalist economy) is going to go BOOM sooner rather than later and the illusory trappings of bourgeois democracy can't stop it. Read the other day that every single human being on the planet, including those living in tents in Port Au Prince, are now on the hook for $190,000.00 of debt. We won't be voting ourselves out of that.

But by all means, blog on dude.

Judi K said...

You will be missed...