Friday, July 09, 2010

Miami's and My Dream Team. By Geniusofdespair


Anonymous said...

I did not realize you were such a basketball fan. Interesting. I usually enjoy the last 5 minutes of any particular game. The money spent on public advertising to woo these players was disgraceful. They may be a privately owned team/corporation, but all sports teams are certainly well subsidized by the tax paying public. Its over now and it appears that Miami will essentially be fielding an all-star team. Good for those fans who have their season tickets locked up.

What do you think Miami would be like if we had invested all the tax subsidies, specifically stadium monies, into the Tamiami Skyway and other CERP projects? Not saying it could have been, just what if.

Geniusofdespair said...

I didn't vote for the stadium, the arena or any other stupid millionaire welfare, nor the children's trust, GOB bonds, or the transit tax. I vote no on everything. So don't blame me.

Gifted said...

Genius that comment made my day

Anonymous said...

The AAA Arena site housing the Miami Heat is owned by Miami-Dade County taxpayers. It was recently reported that the Miami Heat refuse to pay any rent for this taxpayer owned site. Yet they have over $50 Mil to pay three employees? Annually?

The connected get rich while the taxpayers get screwed. SOP.

CATO said...

You didn't vote for Childrens Trust? Thats ignorant.....Thats also just plain mean what are all those do nothing jobbers and connected vendors suppose to do without it?

Geniusofdespair said...

That is why I didn't vote for it -- these entities get too big and veer from their mission

Anonymous said...

So the Heat keep all their revenues from ticket sales and food and drink and all the revenues from their ugly illegal LED billboard facing Biscayne Blvd and they pay nothing to Miami-Dade County?

Greedy pigs.

Anonymous said...

King James is a lot of hype. Yes, he is a great regular season player, but when he has been put in pressure spots he has folded like a wicker chair under Natasha Seijas' fat ass. He is smart to realize that he cant carry a team and needs support, but its really rather cowardly of him to not have a franchise built around him. He has weakened his brand and will undoubtedly realize the error of his ways when he sees that he is a second banana.
Heaven forbid the Heat dont win a championship. It will be the biggest bust ever!

Geniusofdespair said...

When Shaq and Dwayne played together, there wasn't a top dog. They managed to keep it pretty equal...I think you will see more of the same with the three kings.

Poster above, Miami Dade Commissioners kiss ass to the rich and famous in Miami. Most would give them their first born if the right person asked. One rich guy bragged to me: "I don't go to meet the Commissioners, they come here to meet me." You can bet that is true.

Anonymous said...

According to the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser the AAA Arena is worth at least $138 Mil. Maybe worth much more? Yet the tenant, the Miami Heat, owned by a billionaire pays zero rent?

(The Marlins Stadium will cost over $3 Bil and that tenant is paying zero rent too. To be accurate, the Marlins are paying fake rent. The taxpayers are giving money to the Marlins to pay a small minimal rent. Ick.)

So how come the billionaire has $50 Mil to pay for three employees BUT zero to pay his landlord?

Anonymous said...

Seems D. Wade, LeBron James and Chris Bosh are great friends off the court as well as on. Miami should be ready for some serious basketball next season and at least four to follow. The new hype and big parties around town in the new play ground of these rich and famous basketball stars should benefit many neighborhoods around town, especially South Beach. Let's hope Miami's economy benefits from the infusion of excitement around this Miami Heat team. Sure the roster is far from complete, but that should change quickly. I say: "Let's go Heat" and let's go Miami economy. We need the boost any and every way we can get it!

Anonymous said...

The Herald reported today that the Miami Heat and its billionaire owner are paying three employees over $225 Mil. Yet the Heat pay no rent on a massive new stadium?
A stadium owned by the taxpayers?

Are the idiots at Miami-Dade County reading this blog?

Anonymous said...

The Heat has money to pay three employees over $300 Mil yet the Heat refuses to pay rent?

Anonymous said...

Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Alvarez wants to raise taxes and Miami Heat stiff County on rent payments?

Anonymous said...

County Manager wants to raise taxes yet he refuses to collect rent from tenant using County owned arena?