People are saying that Rolle is vulnerable this election cycle. What is your plan to beat Commissioner Rolle.
Samuel: We hear every day people say Rolle must GO. People are mad and disappointed with his 10 years in office. We will keep reminding the voters how they have been sold out.
How did it feel qualifying for this election?
Samuel: I qualified on Monday June 14, 2010. It was very special moment to know I was qualified and completely ready to fight Goliath.
How are you going to get people out to vote, that seems to be the hardest battle when you have an election in August.
Samuel: We are giving people hope for change. We have a Rolle must go slogan. This was coined by citizens of North Central. We are setting up forums for debate. When he does not show its indicts him. We are setting up town hall meetings to get people engaged.
What are the 2 or 3 most important issues facing district 2?
Samuel: Issues top on my list are comprehensive economic development, job training and small business development.
It appears to me that District 2 seems shortchanged by the County. Where do you think the County falls short in your district?
Samuel: The County rates Poorly in this district. Of course there is also no vision by the Commission and Commissioner for District 2. The area appears to be a modern plantation headed by the Governor.
What would you do to improve transportation in the district? Do you know what percentage of the residents don't have cars?
Samuel: Many people do not have cars. We need more bus route and local bus services.
What small step do you think we can begin with to help bring Blacks, Whites, Haitians and Hispanics together? It seems to me we would get a lot more done if everyone could get along better.
Samuel: Racism is alive in Miami Dade County paraded as ethnicity. When we continue to call ourselves by names as the ones mention we perpetuate the gang mentality. Lets stop counting people by labels.
Most incumbent commissioners win with Absentee Ballots. Are you actively pursuing absentee votes?
Samuel: Yes we are focused on encouraging the elderly and others to ask for absentee ballots.
Any last words?
Samuel: Our community is in need of planned human and economic development.
I believe District 02 is ready for real change that can only come with a change in leadership.
We must create an environment of hope in District 2.
Rolle will have so much money it will make it impossible for the other 4 candidates. Hopefully they can push Rolle into a runoff. Send these candidates some money so they have a chance.
You go Mack! You will make a great commissioner. I am white and if I could vote for him, I would. I have seen Mack in action. He is smart, hard-working and treats everyone with respect. I sure hope he can overcome the "Governor's" money. I am so tired of "Ya did goooood".
I agree last poster. Rolle has to go.
Go, Mack, go. I met you a few years back. Very genuine. We need you on the BCC.
While he seems like a nice man, these elections in poor areas are hard work, physical labor in the hot sun, and spending time on the street. If he has no absentee ballot operation by now, he has already lost. If he has no operation to actually get people to the polls for early voting, he can forget it. And if his election day operation has not already been fine tuned by now, he almost can forget it. Rolle is an expert at getting elected in his district.
Good luck we desperately need better transportation in the North areas. That 1/2 penny sales tax was susposed to pay for 88 more miles of metrorail, instead they gave themselves raises. They should all have to ride buses to work. They'd be late! Unless they live in the areas served every few minuites by the Little Havana Circularor Also, they are hot in the summer and cold in the rain and winter. They make us sick! The bike racks are full or broken. We need more light rail, not toll booths. Cram the MDX and its PR campaign in the trash Think about the Oil Spills to be prevented and stop making people need cars
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