To find a pair of scissors in my house is a chore. I decided this collage-photo wasn't worth the trouble but I figured it was still worth noting that, District 8 candidate, Obdulio Piedra likes his lunch with the Latin Builder's Association. Here is a link video of him talking at a candidates forum hosted by the Christian Coalition of South Florida. Candidate Lynda Bell, of course, was also there.
Meanwhile back at the District 8 ranch Annette Taddeo is raking in endorsements:
AFL-CIO, SEIU, UTD, United Faculty of Miami Dade College and Equality Florida.
President of the South Florida AFL CIO, Fred Frost is almost always on the wrong side of my issues. Speaking of wrong side, rumor has that Annette Taddeo and Eugene Flinn were co-endorsed by the Builders Association of South Florida. Hmmm. Wonder why they didn't endorse Piedra. This District 8 election has my head spinning. Here is what I think:
Steve Marin is running the Taddeo campaign-usual, working on endorsements from business and labor. I think that Katy, when she had Marin run her campaign, called the shots. I see Marin as calling the shots with Taddeo's campaign as these endorsements are not particularly helpful to her. In fact, they are turning me off to her, and if the rumor is true about the BASF, to Gene.
The labor endorsements translate to supporting beneficial contracts for unions to most people which translates in the voter's mind to his/her tax dollars. How do these union endorsements help the voters decide, unless the voter is in the union? Marin also trumped up Taddeo's Chamber of Commerce ties early in the campaign which I also though was a miss-step for this particular district. But, what do I know. If I were Taddeo I would take a firmer hand in the campaign. Katy-Lite is not going to do it.
I am still undecided, but damn these candidates are stepping in the mud in my view. There are things I don't like about every single one of them. So, in the end, I will have to weigh all the good and all the bad to make a choice. And, I am strongly pro-choice.
One last thing, I don't think having some developers on a campaign report (they will be coming out soon) is shocking. You need money to run a campaign and that is a reality. Taking their money is okay. Listening to them is the problem. In a campaign report you have to weigh the whole report and see which particular developers are on there. Some are worse than others - and some are actually okay. For example if I saw Brown on a report (especially with multiple donations which I see as a very bad sign) I would be very disappointed. If I saw a developer like Pinnacle, I wouldn't care.
And, finally, this is not a post about Albert. Anytime I mention District 8 that seems to be where you all go. DON'T! I look forward to hearing your insightful comments on this election -- about who you support and why -- I don't look forward to endless candidate bashing.
Did you all know this was the warmest month (June) in South Florida that was ever recorded?
"Meanwhile back at the District 8 ranch Annette Taddeo is raking in endorsements:
AFL-CIO, SEIU, UTD, United Faculty of Miami Dade College and Equality Florida."
Which is why ANY property owner in Dist. 8 SHOULD NOT support this carpet bagger.
She's done nothing inside Dist. 8 in her political or private career.
To so easily obtain these endorsements when we are in a severe budget crisis say's she's so out of touch, it's unreal.
How many out there look at the School Board taxes, who have no children in the program, nor ever had, and want to just scream. I am one of them.
The only way to pay for these Unions and their members are by tax hikes. Anyone supporting them is incredibly greedy and out there.
I have no problem with Unions in the private sector. They serve their purpose. But, I have a huge problem as a property owner paying more benefits to Governmnent Employees than the private sector.
Taddeo should seek another Congressional seat. She'd fit in just perfect with the incredibly out of touch politician!
As to the LBA, well, that's like a curse word in Dist. 8. I hope he gets their endorsement. It will tank his campaign further than it's already going. He's another incredibly "what have you done for Dist. 8 lately" candidate.
I don't have a problem with the South Florida Builder's Assn. They've changed their model to more "LEED" redevelopment. They have not been at the spearhead pushing to move the UDB. The LBA has been.
I would support Flinn out of all the candidates. This endorsement doesn't hurt him at all - not with anyone in the know of what the builder's are doing.
Campaigns need funds and not all builder's are bad - well, except the LBA. They'd pave all the way to the Everglades.
Thank you last anon. I am all for redevelopment. LEED is becoming meaningless to me, tell me why it shouldn't be.
Also, who are the developers in the SFBA?
Yes, first anon, let's abolish school board taxes! That's an awesome idea! Anyone with half a brain can see that only kids and people with kids benefit from schools! I can't wait to live in an uninformed, uneducated community!
Err, or do we already?
People are looking closely at their tax bills now because services are getting cut. The unions are unjustly the target of anger, those union contracts are seen as too expensive. She might see a backlash from the Union support.
The above anonymous said:
How many out there look at the School Board taxes, who have no children in the program, nor ever had, and want to just scream. I am one of them.
This might be short-sighted but there are many retirees that resent having to pay school tax after the brood has left the nest and they vote! If they feel that way about one tax, they must feel that way about other taxes.
Genius, as to the South Florida Builders Assn. Richard Horton is one of them. There were also some recent applications - represented by the hated Berkow on NW 79th St.for redevelopment. They would actually improve communities. This group is not the same at the pave all the way to the Everglades and beyond LBA.
I'll be happy to post their membership list and their projects, though it may take me a few hours to obtain them, I'll get them to you.
Thanks...last anonymous.
Last Anonymous: Putting lipstick on a pig?
I think school taxes should not be paid by property taxes.
Anyone but me remember Roger Cuevas?
Sorry, I have no kids in public schools here - never had and really resent this tax which is higher than the Library & UMSA combined!
BASF is comprised of all of the players in tract housing. Pacific, Lennar and their wizards of deception Bercow, Greenberg/Traurig, Tom David.
Who are you trying to fool with the LEEDS talk?
They are going to co-endorse Flinn and Taddeo.
The misinformation/manipulation on this blog and the planting of erroneous comments by what are likely campaign minions is becoming laughable.
Gene Flinn was not endorsed by the SFBA. Taddeo wasn't endorsed either.
How can the first anon call Taddeo a carpetbagger? I did my homework and she's anything but with a solid history of residency in District 8. She also served on the County's Safe Neighborhood Parks Citizens Oversight Committee which produced a clear benefit to residents of District 8.
Genius seems to take offense to Taddeo's chamber work, but I find Chamber histories with Gene Flinn, Lynda Bell, Albert Harum and Obdulio Piedra. I would suggest our blogger be consistent in their approach.
To those who no longer want to pay school taxes: if you live, work or own a business in Miami-Dade County, it's in your best interst to educate our young people. Do you think you live and work in a vacuum? Take away the hope, opportunity and self esteem education affords and you'll find it too often replaced by a screw driver to your back door while you're out.
It's a pay me now or pay me later scenario. It costs about $6,000 per year to educate a child and about $36,000 per year to house one in prison.
Chamber work, and and being an Officer in the Chamber - where policy is made - against Amendment 4 is a different animal..
To the last anon. Taddeo is a joke with a big wallet and a puppet master - Steven Marin. A very dangerous conbination.
This woman can't articulate a thought and suddenly gets all these endorsements? And these endorsements are all based on what? - that she once served on a County Parks Board? Really? No one thinks this is really suspicious?
The word is that unions DID NOT do screenings for other candidates - not Flinn, not Albert Harum, not Bell, not Mermerstein, not Piedra. Not ONE of them got screened (which is rather disturbing and proves to me how dangerous unions can be in politics but that is a subject for another thread).
To me, this means only one thing - Taddeo is buying her seat so that she can coast to office and plan her next big move in 2 years - a Congressional seat. Big surprise.
This strategy may work in other districts but it won't work in District 8 - we take our votes seriously.
Someone close to the campaign told me about the SFBA's co-endorsement. In fact, I called one of the campaigns when I was told it was a LBA endorsement and they clarified for me that it was indeed the SFBA. If I was given erroneous information I will print a retraction.
I just heard from a candidate in District 8 that they were not screened by the AFL-CIO and they were not happy that the endorsement was made PRIOR to qualifying.
I have my a personal rule regarding unions and candidates - if the almighty unions endorse a particular candidate - they DO NOT get my vote, pure and simple!
Annette Taddeo just lost MY VOTE!
The difference Ridge Rat is that the other candidates aren't bragging about chamber connections which shows Taddeo doesn't have a clue about the constituents.
^^^^^Very Well Said^^^^^
If Taddeo wants to be taken seriously, she should stop BUYING endorsements and start debating the issues with the other candidates who take the voters seriously and are working to earn their trust.
This is just nothing more than backroom deals - and we, the voters of District 8 DO NOT APPRECIATE IT!
Katy never did this sort of thing, never! She earned our votes - not buy them!
Does anyone know when the UTD, United Faculty of Miami Dade College or Equality Florida did any screenings before endorsing? Several of the candidates have been very supportive of these groups yet there was no notice of any process.
Annette, I mean Marin, bought these unions out so there would be NO SCREENINGS!
Don't forget DFAM for Taddeo. A democratic organization without democratic principals. I wonder if they invited anyone other than Taddeo to their party.
That Taddeo woman is unbeliveable!
The least visible candidate (for obvious reasons) and she rakes in the endorsements from influential organizations.
I don't blame Taddeo - I mean Marin - for going after these people for their support but I do blame the Unions for not considering anyone OTHER than her. It all smells of backroom deals and cash changing hands.
I guess Flinn must relinquish his "let's make a deal" title and give it to Marin! I mean Taddeo! Damn! I keep getting these 2 mixed up!
I don't understand Annette Taddeo's reasoning. Why solicit Union endorsements in a mostly rural commission race.
Most people who live in District 8 hate public Unions and the havoc they wreak on the budgest of local governments.
What does she think this is? A Congressional race?!
If she keeps this up she may end up losing this race.
Taddeo has not done her homework. She was like a deer in the headlights at the EKHO Association. I agree with a previous poster...a candidate with a large wallet and a very good campaign manager.
I am for Flinn. He is a Hold the Line kind of guy. Also, he doesn't buy into "infilling" just because we can. He had a very in-depth talk with me about how we breeze over the issue of "need" in this county. I believe he gets it in a big way.
So, that all being said. Which candidate has the smallest learning curve?
With the building slump giving us time to breathe, what are the issues we can start working on as a community?
Thanks worker bee--what are you suggestions?
Obdulio's learning curve is short, and that is what I fear.
Taddeo seems to have an empty head. She was like a deer in the headlights when she spoke at the Dice House.
Between Albert and Gene Flinn, I think Flinn showed that he has good local government experience. I am not at all put off by contributions with him. He is a Hold the Line kind of guy. He and I had a talk about greenwashing and infill and urban sprawl with front porches. His answers were good. If you don't need it, you don't need it. That's the first rule in good planning. I trust him.
Some noted members of the South Florida Builder’s Association include:
Century Homebuilders, Holland Knight, Greenberg Traurig, Ackerman Centeritt, Lennar Homes, FPL, Flagler Development, Century Homes, CEMEX and Bilzen, Sumberg. Go Green, Go LEED, Go FLINN – the special interest whore! http://www.basfonline.org/directory.html
Attack me, I am a member of one of the fire unions. The benfits we receive from our union contracts is given not just to all members, but all departmental employees. You don't have to belong to the union to enjoy the benefits of the union.
I guess there should be no middle class in Miami-Dade? I am one of the many who live in Miami-Dade.
The role of the union is to protect it's members; which protects the public. Pushing for adequate staffing of fire rescue units is not just a job benefit but a necessary level of service. Little mention of the work done by union members, but continual attacks on public safety personnel.
Lay off the firemen and go back to the old days of letting the funeral homes pick you up and take you to the hospital. Very few areas of the country provide the level of service that fire rescue providers give to their residents in Miami Dade County. Instead of heads of households having heart attacks and getting cardiac catheritizations within 90 minutes of calling 9-1-1 we can just have them becoming cripples unable to provide for their families and forcing their spouses to carry the financial burden for their family.
The unions are the ones lobbying against the giving away of money to various organizations that result in reduced essential services to the residents. It is the unions that push for increased services to the residents. Add a fire station to an area lacking one, and see the savings through reductions in your property insurance.
I hope my union supports the candidate that is for maintaining service levels to their constituents. Many of you may not like us but when your unattended child falls in the pool and lays lifeless in your arms; you wish we would have been around the corner to make a difference as opposed to out of service because a CBO took our funds.
I love unions, I just don't like union endorsements. That is why we are looking at Natacha's ugly face for the past 20 years or more, I lost track. You guys helped keep her in office even when we recalled her.
CBOs, now we are talking, their accomplishments are few and their expenses are high. Lousy ROI all the way down the line, bag them and defund all of them. It is the biggest waste in Miami Dade County.
What is a CBO and an ROI?
community based organizations and return on investment.
What does everyone think about Flinn's $500 contribution from Miguel Diaz de la Portilla?
I don't think it is meaningful. You have to look at the whole campaign report and compare it to the other campaign reports. You can't pull one, or even a few out.
Katy got money from lobbyist Ron Book, Eric Sisser, developers Richard Horton, Gonzalo Sanabria, Brian Street, Wolfson, Adrian Management, Inc., Eureka Palms Partnership.
The last two I see as troublesome for the UDB, however, her report in total was not bad.
Look at Katy's report:
The report is from Sorenson's 2006 campaign. Oh, and she got money from Al Cardenas...that is pretty bad. Also Neisen Kasdin....you get my drift.
Fair enough Genius... I just can't stand Diaz de la Portilla and therefore question anyone that can associate with him!!!
I've known the Diaz De La Portilla brothers for years and Miguel never ever contributes and/or gets involved in anything unless he KNOWS he's getting something in return. He considers it an "investment". Very sinister guy.
Pam Gray, Jason Culler now Miguel Diaz De La Portilla?
I wonder what "Mikey" is getting in return for his "investment" to "let's make a deal" Flinn?
To Amendment 4 Supporter - I am a strong Amendment 4 supporter myself and know first hand that Annette Taddeo, while in the Chamber and out of the Chamber, has publicly stated she supports Amendment 4 and also supported the Hold the Line Campaign. I don't understand why so much misinformation is published about Annette. She is a bright, successful businesswoman, who has contributed greatly to our community and will be a great Commissioner for District 8. Could it be that the other candidates who are REALLY in the pockets of the build-til-you-pave-the-Everglades developers want to discredit her because they know she WILL WIN???
Annette does not have to be Katy-lite, Katy-like, nor Katy anything. She is herself and a strong leader who will do what is right for District 8. She supports growth management and will work hard to bring jobs to the district and rein in the waste and mismanagement of our tax dollars.
We need her in the Commission.
Being an long time activist in Dist. 8 - how come I've never heard from her or seen her (Annette)at local Council Meetings or the BCC on issues impacting us?
I had to google her when someone told me she was running. I am one very involved down South here.
The only information I found, initially, was the fact she funded her Congressional Campaign with $350,000.
I was at the UEL forum back at the end of May. I was surprised by Annette's poor showing there. For the most part, her responses were equally wavering and fluffy. It seemed the only times her responses carried any substance was when she had the benefit of hearing her counterparts answer forum questions first--which then resulted in a parroted variation of what seemed the most popular response.
I cannot support a candidate who seems entirely out of touch with the issues of our District.
I am not convinced that Taddeo is not ready for this slot she is still a contender as far as I am concerned. Keep an open mind on her. This is going to be a tough choice.
To the anon who claims that Taddeo has "publicly" stated she is an Amendment 4 supporter -- If this is true, she has to fire her communications person cause no one knows her positions on anything except "hold the line."
And I doubt she really supports this legislation cause she's not only a member of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, she is a leader in the Chamber. And we all know the Chamber IS AGAINST AMMENDMENT 4!
She wouldn't undermine the interests of an organization she was so close to. Come to think of it, no wonder we haven't heard her public statements for or against AMENDMENT 4.
It benefits her to keep us in the dark.
One Taddeo supporter claims that she is not in the pockets of the "build-til-you-pave-over-the-Everglades developers."
Well, if this is true, then why did the Builders Association of South Florida (BASF) endorse her so quickly? We all know why Lynda Bell was not even considered for endorsement - payback for her building moratorium in Homestead when she was Mayor.
Taddeo or her "puppet master" Marin, told them she could be "counted on." Trust me, BASF does not endorse unless they get something in return.
And DO NOT BE FOOLED! All these blind endorsements Taddeo's getting from the Unions without any consideration for ANY of the other candidates is nothing more than political promises we, the taxpayers, will be paying for as she makes her way to Congress.
At least not with my family's vote!
Wow, I have really enjoyed reading all these comments. Taddeo must be getting under the skin of her opponents or ahead I should say based on the comments obviously written by them. I haven't made up my mind who I'm going to vote for, but I was at the East Kendall Dice House forum and Taddeo was very articulate and had good ideas. I walked away feeling this is a race between Flinn and Tadeo (sorry Albert!).
Really!? Well, if Taddeo has any ideas, (which I very much doubt, unless she parrots whatever Marin tells her to say), the rest of the electorate would love to hear them cause nobody else seems to know what they are.
As a long-time voter,(since 1988), I pride myself in staying very much informed and even know several of the current slate of candidates personally. And I very much resent the fact that this woman with - no real governing experience whatsover - except maybe a position on a County Parks Board, comes in all "high and mighty" with her "operative" who arranges all these endorsements from organizations that dont even have the decency to listen to what ALL the other candidates have to say so their membership can make an informed decision!
It all smacks of corruption. Pure and simple! There, I said it.
It really pisses me off that politicians think they can still get away with this sort of contempt for the electoral process.
We all rant and bitch, year in and year out, about this type of behavior from elected officials and we're expected to simply ignore it and rally behind Taddeo simply because its Taddeo?!
What type of people does she think we are anyway?!
I was only going to vote this year but her actions have prompted me to get active and volunteer for one of the OTHER campaigns. Quite frankly, I don't care who it is as long as its NOT TADDEO!
And I urge everyone else who cares about eliminiting corruption to DO THE SAME!
I would not throw that corruption word around lightly. I Do not for a minute think Taddeo is in any way corrupt.
Let's not lob those kinds of words at people. I applaud Annette for running as well as the rest of the candidates. I really don't think there is corruption in this mix of candidates, I see stupidity, missteps and bad campaigns yes...corruption no!
Taddeo is great at making cute faces. But, I wonder about her.
She supports Cadillac lanes on the busway.
I wonder how many community meetings she has attended before she ran for office. I live out in the Kendall area and I never saw her anywhere till she ran for office.
Yes, Genius, I agree that the word "corruption" is not appropiate here, but you gotta admit that the way these organizations have coducted themselves is utterly contemptable.
I'm sure Annette Taddeo is "dancing in the streets" at the news that she's getting so much support without ANY consideration given to the other contenders but you and I and everyone else who reads this blog knows very well that things like this doesn't JUST HAPPEN!
It may not be appropriate to call it "corruption" but its definately NOT ethical.
I am an AFLCIO member and I happen to know that the candidates were screened. Because this "always happens, we send our screening notice via certified mail, so the other candidates don't claim they weren't screened or have the opportunity to be screened. By the way, Fred Frost doesn't get a vote, instead each union gets a vote including the teachers union. I also heard the SEUI had a screening and they had all the candidates together at the same time. I even heard details such as that Lynda Bell showed up super late and Mamorstein (sp?) did not show. Everyone else was there. Enough with the LIES about back-room deals and corruption! We are the people who save your lives, nurse you, teach your children, pick your trash, etc. And we are your neighbors. We also want to hold the line and elect someone of Katy's intelligence and integrity. We went through a process a picked the best candidate, Annette Taddeo
We appreciate union members and what they do. We don't appreciate unions keeping bad candidates in office such as the vile Natacha Seijas because she gives your contracts favorable votes. That is the problem.
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