"No", is how County Commissioner Katy Sorenson answered our interview question: "Do you think the economic crisis has changed the county commission at all?" The reason that business as usual persists at all levels of government is because there is no penalty for taking outsized risks. You can destroy the Gulf of Mexico and not even go to jail. For elected officials, like the county commission, a routine aspect of risk has been allowing insider special interests to dominate zoning councils and decisions related to construction and development. Exhibit A: the board of directors of US Century Bank, including Ramon Rasco, Sergio Pino, Rodney Barreto, Jose Cancela, Armando Guerra, Augustin Herran and other speculators whose business model was based on suburban sprawl by forcing zoning changes in farmland and wetlands edging to the Everglades beyond the Urban Development Boundary.
Today, the bank rating agency, Bauer Financial, based in Coral Gables gives US Century Bank its lowest rating above zero. Among indicators in which US Century raises alarm in comparison to its peers: loans to insiders, noted above by Bauer. County commissioners like Natacha Seijas, Bruno Barreiro, Javier Souto, Joe Martinez and Pepe Diaz-- the group we call the unreformable majority-- have been and continue to be enthusiastic cheerleaders for whatever US Century Bank insiders need. The Bauer flashing red lights indicate this bank is one of the riskiest in its peer group.
This level of insider dealing represents the kind of transactional behavior for which there is no penalty-- not for the land speculators, not for the county commissioners who support them. US Century Bank will continue to take out full page ads in The Miami Herald, ensuring that the speculators are treated with deference. If this bank fails, whose principals argued for suburban sprawl right alongside the LBA, it will be absorbed by a more healthy vulture backed by US taxpayer guarantees. Commissioner Sorenson, for whom the insiders at US Century have little respect, is right: this economic crisis has changed nothing. When the speculators fail at suburban sprawl or growing sugar in the Everglades, they can always become rock miners.
Isn't this the bank that gave Marco Rubio that loan on his house that sky rockeded in value?
Krome Gold - the Rock Mining application "estate homes" near the Everglades is coming back to CC11. They want to "sell" the fill on the open market first - gee, I'm so shocked, and some of it outside the UDB, double shocked.
Thanks to Carlos Giminez and the URM, who thought these "estate homes" would be great outside the UDB. But, the estate homes will never be built. The Lakes will be dug and who knows how deep they will go.
Triple thanks to Mr. Renfrow - NW Wellfield contamination point man from DERM. You're still doing a fine job contaminating our water. I'm sorry the Public Works deal didn't work for you.
Anyone who cares about our water supply should attned the July CC11 meeting and tell these plumber/grocery store owners now Bankers to rub rock salt and not contaminate our water supply. They can sell the land and do something else to rob our natural resources.
I truly hope the price of fill tanks faster than our stock market as well.
Really Bitter in West Kendall!
If you want to know exactly where development problems are worst in Miami-Dade suburbs, just look for the new US Century branches.
Why isn't there public outrage in this community? I refuse to believe there is enough hush money for the majority. PEOPLE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WAKE UP! Amendment 4 is is going to be our only chance to stop past practices and put an end to the political corruptness that is ruining our county.
"Really BItter in West Kendall"
You've done it. You have out-bittered me. All that, and a bag of chips. Keep on that message!
"West Kendall Activist"
Why are all these comments anonymous, if you really believe in Democracy you should back your accusations with your names, otherwise they might be all lies.
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