Saturday, June 26, 2010

Strategy Saturday: Who do I vote for in the primary? By Geniusofdespair

When Crist became an Independent I thought about changing back but, alas, I am still a Republican. A large question looms for me. Who do I vote for in the primary? I would suppose I want Alex Sink to win. So how do I best use my vote to increase her chances? This calls for strategy.

If I vote for the worst of the two, it would have to be Rick Scott but damn it is close. They are both pretty bad. I am thinking that Sink has a better chance facing McCollum, since he doesn't have a lot of money, so I am leaning towards voting for him. But, Scott is so weird he might self destruct before the election. The worst case scenario, Scott winning. Bill McCollum is a known evil, we can pretty much surmise what he will do from having watched him over the years. Scott, he scares me. Take a look at those eyes and that diabolical sneer... woof! He looks capable of some really bad decisions.

Any of you have any suggestions? I am open to voting for either of them but my objective is to send the biggest loser to the General Election. My head is hurting from doing all this thinking, I just know this decision is going to backfire on me.


Anonymous said...

Your analysis is correct. Vote for McCullum. People will not vote for someone that they can't spell his name.

WOOF said...

Scott is so transparently a thief he will only get the teatard vote.

Mensa said...

You must vote for Bill as Rick has so much money to spend he could buy the final election.

Mensa said...

I think WOOF meant the retard vote.

Geniusofdespair said...

Nope Mensa, Woof knew what he/she was writing, it is a coming together of two words: TEA party and as you suggest retard.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Scott he is the right man for the job.

Anonymous said...

This is why you shouldn't have changed party registration in the first place. Trying to strategically sabotage a party's nomination proccess isn't healthy for our system, as you can help elevate the worst candidate right into office! Change back, and donate to Sink.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that how Obama got elected, weren't Republicans trying to sabatoge Clinton?

Anonymous said...

Let's see for Gubner I got 4 Choices
A- A career politician and Lawyer (whos's run for office a zillion times)
B- A career Politician and lawyer (Married to another influential lawyer who ran for gubner and lost)
C- Healthcare Fraudster and Lawyer (Stole the money from us that he's using for his slick campaign.
D-The ne'er do well son of a career politician (who owes so much money even if every Floridian gave him a buck, he'd still be banktrupt)

NO Thanks G.O.D. I will abstain.

Geniusofdespair said...

Abstaining is NEVER EVER AN OPTION. That is for cowards.

Anonymous said...

Vote for McCollum. But not just because he may be the weaker of the two. While I understand your sabotage strategy, what you should be thinking about is what happens if Rick Scott actually wins. I think either of these two have a shot to beat Sink and McCollum would be the lesser of the two evils.

Anonymous said...

Don't waste your vote on crooked businessmen and career politicians.

Vote for Michael E Arth.