(Jim Morin Cartoon Miami Herald)
This is just a partial copy of, Florida Governor hopeful, Rick Scott's Financial Disclosure Form. It was just too big to include the whole thing. His holdings are so typical, just like our portfolios...Hah!). Do we really want him to be our Governor teatards? After all, he only has $218,414,743 in assets. Hit on the images to become very envious of his wealth.

The American Dream! I still won't vote for him.
Most of this is ill gotten. Stolen from us.
Thanks for the roadmap to success. I can mirror this and become wealthy too. Now all I need is some money.
You don't like Rubio because he is not rich enough for you. Rick Scott must be your man. Congrats for finding a candidate that meets your money criteria!
Last putz...I don't NOT like Rubio because he is not rich enough. Where does it say that in my post? That is your analysis and it is doesn't compute from what I wrote.
The problem with Rubio finances -- and I am spelling it out for you because you can't analyze -- is that he can't manage his finances. He is a bad manager! His net worth and high debt opens him up to undue influence as well. Scott, on the other hand. has ill gotten profit in his past. I am not fans of either. Nor am I a fan of yours.
Who is M. Braun. I have a reason for asking.
MBRAUN glovebox workstations are complete ready-to-operate inert gas glovebox systems, engineered for use in university research, as well as in large-scale industrial applications. We offer both standard and custom glove box systems.
He needs this job. he only has about $440,000 in his IRAs. How is he gonna retire on that?
The Rick Scott phenomenon is worrisome for what it says about the voters in Florida - 1. they're easily misled by TV ads and 2. they've got lousy choices in the other 2 candidates. What the hell is wrong with Alex Sink that she hasn't gotten better as the months have rolled by?
NOTA (none of the Above) should be on the ballot
Spud Chiles
Trick Scott
Still McCulo
Alex Stinks
I'll bet NOTA takes it in a landslide.
Re Rick Scott..he has wealth yet chose to steal from Medicare, a program designed to help the less fortunate in their latter years. Yet again Florida wants to vote this man into government where he would have carte blanche to really run amok with his corrupted psyche! I say to reach any politician or business in florida just dial 800 CROOKED!! Why are Floridians sooo stupid?
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