I found a video of Marco Rubio when he was speaker of the Florida House, and most of the video, he was posed like this. Is this the required posture for the speaker?
This prolonged posture couldn't be good for the rotator cuff but it does appear God-like. These guys in Tallahassee are so full of themselves.
Why wasn't Marco out there cleaning up the oil off the beaches in Santa Rosa and Pensacola and Fort Walton? He could bring all his buddies from the "Drill here, drill now" coalition. Come on down, Sarah. Help out your good buddy Marco and get your feet a little dirty. It's God's work.
Hey Genius of Desperation... give him a break! You critizise the Herald for selecting unflaterring pictures of candidates, and you are doing exactly the same thing...posting bad pics of candidates you dislike.
I thought this blog was unbiased...
This is certainly not an unbiased blog. Blogs are mostly editorial in nature. This has always been a biased blog. Besides this is a very flattering picture of Rubio. He just has posed ridiculously.
Genius has chided the Mia Herald for being like eyeonmiami, posting biased photos. Where have you been anonymous?
wondering was this shot taken when Rubio was letting the Dade schools funding be slashed and burned and sent to north Fla?
actually, where else could he place his arms ...with those long microphones placed in an akward angle?
that is the raised edge of the podium, the mics are there then below that is the desk area which is an ideal place for less important arms.
That is not a flat surface. If he wanted rest his arms elsewhere, the alternative would be to grab the front portion of the podium (in front of the microphones) which would look even more awkward. I can't believe you are raising such a petty issue!
9 comments on this... One comment on my researched lobbyist post... I say petty is good and it saves me time.
,,you're the one that started this dumb post on how his arms' placement look Godly. Shame on you... ;-b
G.o.D., let's just be clear here. If Jesus were alive today, he would not be a Republican. Deep down inside we all know that.
As someone said there is a desk jut below where hands could have been folded or not. This is a calculated body maneuver and I thank our EOM God for pointing it out. It is subtle but important.
3rd anonymous up...
Get a sense of humor. To stand in this pose for a protracted amount of time is just plain weird. People on the blog responded to it, and people read our blog to see it. Who cares what you think. And Anonymous below his you are right about that. Jesus was a social reformer: Helping the sick, the marked (prostitutes and Lepers) he would be disappointed with Arizona's law and oil drilling. He hated greed and was all for sharing and helping the last fortunate. Yep, a socialist.
body language is never a trivial thing to overlook.
ok, so if the Tea Party people "own" the Constitution, why don't some socialists or "non- partisan" local politicians claim Jesus.
(Insert name) for County Commission Seat 8
"Protecting Homestead the Way That Jesus Would"
(Insert name)
voted for government sponsored health care, because Jesus told him to do it.
Give a man a squash so he can get his daily dose of veggies. Teach a man to farm squash and he will be pretty much set for the whole season. Vote for (Insert name). Jesus saves farm land.
Any suggestions...let's keep it going.
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