Every day Gregg Hall is video taping the toxic oil on the beach in Pensacola, Florida - I posted one a few days ago. You can Subscribe to his YouTube page or visit it often. He updates often. He found these curious covered up signs along the beach. Gregg tore one open (see above) and it is a warning to beach-goers. Why are they covered? Hall exposed oil under the sand in one of his videos, does the cover come off the signs ONLY when oil is visible on the beach? Below are two maps, one showing about where Gregg is taking his videos in Pensacola, the other is a zoom out of the coastal area with a red "A" marking so you can see where he is videotaping in relation to the Gulf Coast. Hit on maps to enlarge them.
Gregg says in his profile:
I love the water and anything to do with it... I walk/jog the beach every morning for over an hour and I am in the gym after work then usually some biking on the beach...I love to snorkel, fish, dive, kayak, etc. He includes this on his page:
"Only after the last tree has been cut down...
Only after the last river has been poisoned...
Only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you find that money cannot be eaten." - Cree Indian Prophecy

Dear Genius of Despair please tell your friend Gregg to stay out of that water.The Corexit 9527 is extremely dangerous the Butoxy ethanol which is the main ingredient can kill him.Please let people know BP is using 200,000 to 400,000 Gallons Per Day of this deadly toxic brew,Everyone needs to realize this stuff will move faster than the oil. Tell Gregg to have a lab test a sample of the goop and also have his blood tested asap.
Will do!
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