Saturday, June 12, 2010

Governor Crist Vetoed the Forced Viewing of the Ultrasound Bill. By Geniusofdespair

The Miami Herald used the same horrible photo of Governor Charlie Crist for the ultrasound veto story (online) that I complained about in my May 23rd post. I am at war with the Miami Herald over photo editing. Anyway, thanks for the veto Charlie it was an idiotic bill, I call it the Clockwork Orange bill because I can just picture doctors holding open a woman's eyes.


Anonymous said...

Crist did the right thing. Yea! It was a stupid, lousy bill supported by extremists who believe they represent the GOP. It also represented the paternalistic Bush program that got this country into so much trouble.

Anonymous said...

The legislature put this bill up specifically to hurt Charlie. He was damned either way: sign it he loses support, veto it he loses support. It was a parting shot at him. Maybe your friend at the Herald, Beth will report on that aspect of he veto?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Governor, you did the right thing. Send Charlie a thank you, he will surely get plenty of comments against his veto.