I asked the strategy Mimi Planas intended to use to beat the Ramblin' Man -- Javier Souto -- who is rolling in dough.
Planas said: "Our strategy is pretty simple - showing up and proving that I will be accessible to residents after being elected."
Right now, I do not have the resources that my opponent or any elected official has, but I’ve taken note of people's issues and help them find the best path to resolving them. While I may not be able to solve every issue, I can surely take the time (as I have for over a year now) to stear people in the right direction - what they can do...who they can call...etc.
The key for me, as a candidate, has been simple - SHOWING UP. I may not know EVERYTHING about EVERY ISSUE - no one does. Still, I have researched and asked questions in order to be a well-rounded candidate - one that is willing to ask for help when need be.
Money is always an issue in politics, but there is a reality that most of us need to accept - a new challenger will RARELY out raise a long-time incumbent. Is that reason to stagnate our strategy? Absolutely not. We have made a conscious decision in this campaign to be highly cost-effective, to ensure visibility through volunteer-ism and heavy grassroots efforts. There is no amount of money in the world that can justify the way my opponent has belittled residents and his colleagues on the dais; and certainly, there is no amount of money that can justify his flip flopping on the Marlins stadium - a project that his constituents stated they did not support in a poll conducted by FIU in 2008.
(there is more...)
Whatever the case is, my opponent may have taken the easy way out - votes in exchange for money and endorsements. Still, my concern for the district is not just my opponent's blatant priority of money over people, but the reality that there are many things that currently are not being addressed. I've observed his strategy, and unfortunately, there is nothing about what he CAN or WILL do if re-elected. Sadly, all I see is a resume of superficial accomplishments.
Where is the discussion on the new MDX tolls for commuters - predominantly in District 10? How about the remedy for non-profits, organizations, and programs that will no longer received much needed funding due to budget cuts? Furthermore, how does he explain incentives to union workers who receive a raise for showing up to work? - Especially amidst a severe budget crunch Countywide.
Politics is supposed to make sense of policy for people, not increase instability and speculation. That's why I'm running - to instill responsibility, integrity, and fortitude in the District and the County.
Thanks for asking! By the way, I really enjoy reading your blog. - You are doing an amazing job and I really appreciate your support. (and yes, I am endorsing Planas, mainly because Souto has to go, his mind is shot).
Miriam Mimi Planas - County Commissioner, District 10
Go Team Mimi!!! See you at the winner's circle!!!
Why is her strategy off?
I live in the district and got lit from Mimi on my door. I honestly was not impressed with the content it was full of platitudes, cliches etc etc etc (usual clueless political BS). I am looking for any excuse to vote against JS but looks like I'm going to abstain on this one.
I was hopeful about this candidate when she started talking. But she hasn't said much. I know that Souto has become obsolete or even an obstacle, but I can't just go with someone because there is no better choice. This woman has no community experience and never gives solutions. She just states the obvious problems. I think she is being guided by people behind her who do have special interests. I want to see substance. And I am surprised and disappointed that this blog has just given her so much space to just blow steam without asking her hard questions.
Seriously, you're going to "sit out" this race? Then you get what you deserve.
I've seen Planas at events and she can be a bit over the top. Nothing compared to Senator Senile though. She asks thoughtful questions and seems open to other people's ideas. Both of those would be a serious improvement over the disaster representing that district now.
Are you nuts? A dead cat would make a better Commissioner than Souto -- at least it wouldn't vote -- and better: It wouldn't talk. Just vote for the woman.
G.o.D., I agree and Mimi is probably the best choice, but it does irritate me when candidates have these cheesy and vague platforms that don't give details. Attn: All candidates - no cheesy or vague rhetoric. Get specific, and if you don't know the issues, learn them!
Special interests? If special interests were behind a candidate, they would have contributed a bit more than the $13,000 or so she has raised.
As a long time resident and business owner in Westchester, I will support this lady. Keep her close and be sure she does the right thing.
It's been over 4 years since Souto has visited my store. His staff came in asking to place a sign. No way!
I hope she visits us soon, our business group is waiting.
Good luck Miriam 'Mimi' Planas!
Bird Road Business Group
This is too funny... Mimi Planas has no idea what she is doing. She looks like a lost puppy.
And Souto....what does he look like to you? Have you ever listened to him? Even the other commissioners walk off when he begins to talk.
I met Mimi earlier and I think she is a young, fresh face that could help bring new ideas to a commision that doesn't change. A wise person once said that politicians are like diapers, they should be changed frequently and for the same reason. Souto has been in office since the early 1990s. I think its time for a change and Mimi seems like a good choice.
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