As 5,000 barrels (210,000 gallons) a day flow into the Gulf of Mexico, incredibly, 62% of voting Americans STILL support an expansion of oil drilling according to a Zogby Poll conducted Tuesday (Miami Herald).
Floridians, we can do better...we aren't morons like those polled are we? We don't STILL support oil drilling off our coast do we?
Who am i kidding.
A cottage industry will probably emerge for the pick up and disposal of all the dead sea life which will wash ashore on the coastline.
This picture nakes me want to cry.
There has to be a balance struck between those who are pro-"drill baby drill" and those who are "no more drilling ever". Unfortunately, people don't seem to realize the need for this middle ground.
The fact of the matter is, if we were to stop drilling RIGHT NOW, our economy would collapse because we have no viable alternatives. What we NEED is a concerted effort (with funding) to find alternative energy resources NOW, while we have time, before it's a "crisis mode" scenario (which, regardless of haggling over timing, unless you're a nut who believes oil grows in the ground like mana from the heavens, will happen eventually).
Unfortunately, what people fail to realize about "domestic drilling" and being "reliant on foreign oil" is that there isn't a "domestic" and "foreign" oil market. There's an international market. Multinationals such as BP, Exxon, etc., put this oil on the international oil market. If we were to "cut off" from foreign oil, without even mentioning costs, we would run out of oil in a matter of months, not years.
People need to temper down on both sides of this debate.
Don't cry, I made the photo in photoshop...
The fact of the matter is, if we were to stop drilling RIGHT NOW, our economy would collapse because we have no viable alternatives.
sounds reasonable, right? but it's not true.
the US uses almost 20 million barrels of oil per day, and the Gulf field at issue produces about 1,800 barrels per day. if instead of coddling our now-failed automakers the US had raised fuel efficiency standards over the years there would be no need for this field.
so the next time someone presents you with one of these kinds of "what can we do" arguments, consider it an opportunity to explain why the status quo is both crazy and factually wrong. who knows--you might even get them to change their mind.
I wish we could say we won't be seeing this type of picture but I'm afraid it's just a matter time. How careless and reckless us humans can be. I'm crying anyway!
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