Notice how, in the letter, Natacha says: "I drove the vote to override the Mayor's veto." That is what we have been telling you here at Eye On Miami: Vile Natacha runs the County Commission. Do you agree with me that this letter should not have gone out on County letterhead? I find it grossly improper.
Are Vile Natacha and the Director locked in a campaign to undermine the union? Is Natacha trying to intimidate the membership with this letter? It sure looks that way to me. The union sold it's soul to the devil and the devil is biting back...or should I say back biting.
According to our little archive counter, we have written critically about Natacha Seijas, 251 times. This is the time we have written about her relationship with unions: a central if not key aspect of her unchallenged tenure on the county commission. The unions are her base, and she is able to wield so much power with their support. One phone call-- and she makes them often-- drive what unions will support or not, for the county. Consider how land use decisions affect most profoundly middle class Miami residents who live in the suburbs, overdeveloped and stuck in traffic. When is the last time you saw a union member stand with Hold The Line? Well, it happened a few years ago until Natacha, from the dais, saw that union members were standing side by side conservationists. She made one phone call and they disappeared.
I hope that union members reading our blog will give us more information on Natacha. We would really like to learn more...
This is very revealing. The use of Vile & Gross about "Natasha" is almost an oxymoron.
That letter is a true reflection of how she bully's people for her own agenda, and not that of the Tax payers who are responsible for picking up the tab for these "benefits".
It's not like I don't believe they should have good benefits, but they are more than most people in the non government working class get along with some very obnoxiously high salary's.
Shame on the Commissioners who consistently support her bad decisions on behalf of special interests - whether it be Unions or Developers or Procurement sweetheart deals.
We - and that means those sitting on the Commission, are taxpayers picking up the tab on a whole bunch of levels for YOUR bad decisions. Own it and fix it or leave the Commission. We don't need your power hungry crap anymore. We're tapped out and angry!
I think VNS needs a copy "Manatee Insanity" by Craig Pittman (Paving Paradise) or at least have one of her aids, like the one who sent that letter, relay the message to her!
Wow, someone in her office gave you a memo without having to sue them for it? I'm impressed.
I guess someone will be looking for a new job soon.
The game is all about turnout in commission races.
Nobody votes in them so organizations that turn out voters means everything.
Thats exactly why these BS fiscal conservatives lock arms with the unions to give them lucrative budget breaking deals even in a recession.
Oh the fur will be flying in nasty Natacha's office today. She doesn't use email or the internet, but I'm guessing there are all sorts of people there who do.
Gee, she does not take any responsibility for promoting union largess that has gone a long way to bankrupt the county.
It's really disgusting to work at a poll and see the unions waving the Seijas banner for bad government.
Maybe now they will deal with economic reality and get out of her butt cheeks.
Oh, oh! Jabba The Hutt is pissed - look out! We're all gonna pay for this one!
Please let's have more sunshine from VNS office staffers. Take matters into your hands! Support Eyeonmiami!
Remember it is all about the vote!! BOCC should be ashamed of themselves, I don't know how they sleep at night. Get rid of all of them including the Fire director and the Mayor.
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