In the four months since a new mayor and council were swept into office, Miami-Dade's second oldest city has been consumed by a series of outlandish ethical and financial scandals involving the past and present administrations.
They have ranged from the mild (fights over alleged favoritism) to the wild (a department head sending sexually explicit texts to a subordinate; his boss, the city manager, frequenting an S&M website on his city laptop).
I also reported on the CRA Audit and steamy emails from the City Manager to his assistant, where I called Homestead "Peyton Place."
You went too easy on Homestead. That place is a depository for the worst people in the County and they carry guns.
There are millions being given away by this new Council and no one seems to really care.
There were millions given away by the previous admin too. The CRA audits are pretty telling and those are probably just a little glimps of what's really been going on there for years.
Judy knew to have metal dectectors at council meetings.
In answering your query were you too hard on Homestead.
No, everyone needs to scrutinize the current council and staff. The snake pit is accurate especially when we know they are developer's puppets.
This council is not behind Amendment 4, what does that tell you? Recently gave away ten acres of city land for thirty five years for a dollar a year.
The messages will all find their way to the public and you will not believe what the mayor and vice mayor have been up to.
No. You were not too hard.
Too much taxpayer money has been "disappeared".
Until the Public Corruption Unit grows a set and gets serious about what goes on down here, nothing will change. Elected officials have acted without any moral, legal or ethical constraints since the Mayor days of you know who.
Has anyone noticed that both the Bateman accuser and the Bell daughter gun witnesses all failed to show up and give sworn statements or press charges ? Did money change hands?
Again: Girl next door...You cannot accuse someone of lying on our blog.
GND did say that authorities have found the charges against Bateman not know if that is an accurate report.
The girl next door:
follow the truth on my blog
Of course she would say that, for that is what they want you to think. The spinmasters at at there best in Homestead these days!
by the way genius, the woman of which you speak IS a lunatic. Also, those allegations did not occur while Bateman was in office, but under Bell's regime. SUV incident excluded, but it is a non issue, no findings indicating any wrong doing of Mayor B.
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