this was brilliant. I don't know why Obama has not presented the insurance companies for the leaches they are. He was on his communication game during the campaign and in the past 2 years, as president, he's "gone" from this persona. What happened to the president I voted for? I'm very disappointed in his abilities to govern. health care should have been done a whiled back. WE NEED JOBS to pay for our health insurance. Sigh.
That was great.
You know how feel about health care.. I am now at 7 weeks and counting ...waiting for the filling of my high blood pressure meds...
And I have (I thought) a good program.
this was brilliant. I don't know why Obama has not presented the insurance companies for the leaches they are. He was on his communication game during the campaign and in the past 2 years, as president, he's "gone" from this persona. What happened to the president I voted for? I'm very disappointed in his abilities to govern. health care should have been done a whiled back. WE NEED JOBS to pay for our health insurance. Sigh.
This is news?
What kind of citizens do we have for whom this is news?
People marketing products to you on TV are liars.
My guess is this will continue until the last insurance company raises the last premium by 50 percent.
Of course, the whole health care system will be deep-sixed by then as the practitioners will have left for other fields (or countries).
Thanks for all you do to keep us informed.
This was an eye opener for the uninformed I'll bet.
I'm going to run it at my site with credit for you.
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