Saturday, February 06, 2010

Super Bowl Special in Miami: NFL Wives and Girlfriends to be auctioned ... by gimleteye

Real estate development is king in Miami. A credible rumor has surfaced of a bold new plan to turn around Miami's flagging market and oversupply of condominiums, said by some to be enough for the next two decades. The plan was whipping around the Prime 112 restaurant on Miami Beach last night, and is reported here for the first time.

On Sunday morning NFL wives and girlfriends will put their keychains in a large fish tank in the lobby of The Miami Herald, where condominiums and vacant units will be posted. Bidders who pay cash for a vacant condo unit, at prices you can't beat, will be able to randomly pick a keychain from the pile, taking home the NFL wife or girlfriend until kickoff time. They will also receive free parking passes to the Player's Lot and a gift certificate to buy another condominium at half price they paid, the next time the Super Bowl is played in Miami irrespective of the name of the stadium at the time.


Jill said...

I've also heard the highest bidders will each receive a large pizza with horsemeat jerky.
It's on one vendor's menu. Really.

Anonymous said...

Jill: and they can wash that down with some local wine. I've got a great recipe for snap pea salad too, but you can't get good peas around have to import them.

Go Saints!

ines said...

:) you have a good nack for making me smile

Jill said...

I'll take the wine, but surely there is still some arable land left down there. Can't you come up with a recipe for something locally available?

swampthing said...

ok but what in it for me?

Jill said...

My gratitude :)