Today in the Miami Herald, Jeb Bush, Jr. came to Tea Party Candidate, Marco Rubio's defense in a letter to the editor. It is only a matter of time before Daddy Jeb, Rubio's ace in the hole, reveals himself. Jeb Jr. says:
Carl Hiaasen's Feb. 14 Uncomfortable spotlight now on Rubio is unfair, inaccurate and based on false assertions and incomplete information.
Which brings us to my 2010 crusade: I again appeal to all Democrats and Independents to change to Republican (here is the form). Vote for Crist in the Republican primary or you will be looking at Rubio as your next Senator. I am herewith launching the "Stop-O Marco, Rubio Sucks Campaign" My only platform: Change parties.
Hair plugs or comb-over?
I support your campaign...not with money of course.
Marco Rubio seems better than Charlie Crist. Crist is the governor. What has he done except state he is quitting the governorship, he wants to leave Florida and he has campaigned nonstop for another elected position?
So, according to the one who precedes me, we should elect Rubio even when he has done as much as Charlie Crist? Is this election by default? The other did nothing, and this one has done nothing, but let's elect this one to see if he does something? This simpleton should stop posting his idiotic and unconvincing comments!
Wow! The intellectual value of some of these comments is... incalculable.
Agree last anon. The campaigns have volunteers that look for blogs and they post the talking points. It is very obvious to us bloggers--usually I dump them. You picked up on one. Actually Crist has been a pretty good governor I would rate him about 1000% better on the environment then Jeb, as one example. These are difficult times, The Bush brothers' policies have come home to roost.
While Charlie Crist is campaigning full-time to be a Senator who is running the State of Florida?
Does Crist realize Floridians are unemployed? Does Crist realize his backers, the pro-growth machine, have overbuilt Florida so extensively that we are now in the top three foreclosure sectors in the country?
What is Crist doing to bring more tourists to Florida?
We don't need more tourists thank you very much.
I'd agree that Crist has been a let-down in the governing department. He's more like Florida's biggest glee-club president than governor.
That said, he was a bit of a maverick (republicans used to like independent thinkers instead of mob leaders) but even those things that brought him national attention a few years ago are now considered liabilities to his party:
joining California in the fight against climate change, embracing a real fix for everglades water storage (however muddled the issue got, it started out really well), pushing renewable energy initiatives in Florida way farther than Jeb ever did, backing his DCA Chief who insisted on reining in runaway growth, and pulling the plug on FPL's outrageous rate demands, to name a few.
Unfortunately for him, the State is built on growth and when the housing market tanked, everything else imploded faster than anywhere but Las Vegas, so the cheerleader in chief's postcard slogans rang hollow.
That, and since he's running as a moderate republican in a State where most repubs now seem to the right of the John Birch Society, he's had to jettison most of his positions in an attempt to become a wingnut.
Too bad the Dems completely screwed this one by giving the nod to Meek - probably the weakest candidate for the US Senate ever. This could have been their seat.
To blogger above, tourism is Florida's biggest industry. The more tourists who visit and spend money the better off Florida will be. Incidently, tourism is a very clean industry. No smokestacks or rock mines or unusual environmental damage. Money comes here and mostly stays here.
Crist should be Florida's biggest cheerleader to attract tourists. Instead he is making friends with the Scott Rothsteins of the world raising money so he can move 1,500 miles away.
Does anyone else think it is crazy to suggest that Crist pull out of the GOP primary and run either as a Dem or forgo the primaries and run in the general as an independent (ala The Weeper from CT)?
Good photo of Marco Rubio, where did you find it. Rubio looks like a criminal.
South Florida Lawyer, yes an option for him, sort of what Lieberman did in Conn. I think if he loses in the primary and runs as an independent, he would win easily over both candidates.
The filing deadline for federal candidates in Florida is the same whether its with party affiliation or independent. If Crist loses the Republican priimary then he is out for this election cycle. He needs to choose Rep or NPA or Dem by noon April 30.
Crist needs to run as an Independent. This is not rocket science. The GOP has deserted him. They are going out full guns against him. He needs to fish or cut bait.
can we have a 3rd candidate pleeeeez . they all suck
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