Dear Educators, Environmentalists, and Concerned Citizens,
We've received a lot of positive response from teachers and students who plan to attend the rally for Caroline Lewis who was so unjustly and unfairly treated by Fairchild Garden. Her inspired leadership of the Fairchild Challenge deserves our support as much as the Garden management and trustees deserve our heartfelt objection. Thanks to the many letter writers to Fairchild president Bruce Greer who is responsible for this mess.
Please park at county facilities both adjacent to and across the street from the north entrance. Fairchild members can freely use Garden parking. Bring signs and enthusiasm and thanks for Caroline!
In Haiti, people lay dying underneath crumbled buildings, bodies piled on nearly every flat surface, no food, no water, no shelter, just despair and heartbreak. Yesterday, you posted a thoughtful and powerful message about this incredibly tragic nation. http://eyeonmiami.blogspot.com/2010/01/haiti-by-gimleteye.html
Today’s post asks that we support a rally about an individual that was terminated. Why would you encourage this kind of event when Haiti lays in ruin? Our only focus should be Haiti.
If there was even the slightest shred of merit to this issue, it just went out the shattered windows of Haiti.
Give me a break. People can do more than one thing at a time. They are working. They are eating. They are reading the paper. Haiti is on everyone's mind but it is not the ONLY thing we can think about or address but if you are that centered on Haiti that you can't attend to other issues...God love you! BTW, why are you reading this blog?
We can't stop living because of Haiti. Life goes on in spite of the horror.
And to be honest, what needs to be done IS being done, here in the US and in Haiti and around the world.
I wonder if post #1 feels that we should have stop doing things every time there is a tragedy?
Living everyday life does not take away from the acknowledgment that somewhere in our world someone is hurt and grieving.
Given the world's state of affairs these days, if we stop doing the daily things because of tragedy and sadness, the world would grind to a halt.
Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. We are just beginning our fight to get our garden back on track. We will relentlessly continue our efforts to oust the self serving leadership that this garden has fallen victim to. BAD,BOARD,BAD!!!!
Hayes Bowen's (above ending saying
BAD,BOARD,BAD!!!) reminds me of the TV"s "Cops singing "Bad boy, Bad boy, (Bruce Greer) Whatcha goina do when they come for you!!
The Mob Sat 10 AM
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