The protests at Fairchild Garden continue. Now comes the issue of term limits. Garden critics want to hold trustees accountable, who have bungled management of the long-time Miami institution. Yesterday, a banner plane flew over the Garden filled with chocolate lovers: "Vote for Fairchild Term Limits".
It is pretty amazing that a board whose defenders pushed out the former Director of Education Caroline Lewis on a flimsy pretext, used the argument that no employee is indispensable. If no employee is indispensable, then why isn't the same true of trustees? Why does an organization become moribund? Now the Garden management argues that the board can't have term limits because otherwise board members will take their donations and walk away to other organizations. There's no evidence, here, and no fact except that Fairchild trustees have failed to provide for succession leadership.
Greer and his managers say that only a few thousand dollars in donations have been lost because of the controversies they started. But there are at least a couple of legacy gifts that total in the millions that may not materialize. The teachers are abandoning the Fairchild Challenge. Volunteers and employees are looking for new jobs (difficult of course in this economy). Maybe it is time for the directors to look at themselves in the mirror and ask the question; isn't it time for them to move on?
Bruce Greer has really screwed up this situation. His immediate resignation will barely help close the wounds. I know I will not donate and I will not visit Fairchild until he leaves.
Volunteers and staff are talking about this and ready to take action. I heard Bruce is offering board positions to top Garden volunteers. Why? He has worked long and hard to get the board stacked...
Members can and will vote for new officers and to update the antiquated by-laws ( which can be viewed at www.termlimitsforfairchild.org ).
Our sign demonstrations this weekend, during the Chocolate Festival, were a huge success. People are becoming informed, asking good questions and are looking forward to voting for term limits.
I find it amusing that, if you look back through posts and comments on this blog, Ms. Lewis' supporters don't really focus on whether she said things that reasonably justified her firing. Rather they emphasize that procedures weren't followed, that the chain of command was circumvented, and that the scapegoat is Greer. Procedural arguments are what you make when you can't win on substance.
Dear Evelyn, if you "look back through posts and comments on this blog" you will find that Ms. Lewis DID NOT "say things that reasonably justified her firing". Pathetic! Why not start your own blog and stop pestering this one with inane complaints covering up the mismanagement of the Garden.
This is about term limits.
Time for Greer to move on.
In trying to educate myself about what you guys are talking about I looked up the bylaws that govern the American Public Gardens Association, APGA. After seeing your signs this past weekend and being a member of the garden I wanted to know more. If I understand correctly you want term limits for the board of trustees and officers. Personally I cant believe an organization as old as Fairchild does not already have these. They are essential in any organization to prevent stagnation control issues. The APGA has 2 year terms with a max of 2 consecutive terms. That sounds very reasonable to me. I will support your efforts and I'm sure others will for the betterment of the garden. Keep up your hard work.
Caroline Lewis and her Fairchild Challenge were deeply inspirational to thousands of teachers and students in Miami-Dade County. It is troubling and sad that Mr. Greer, in his quest to perpetuate himself at the Garden leadership, does not hesitate to selfishly harm our teachers and children. Mr. Greer: it is time to reinstate Mrs. Lewis in her position and leave the Garden conduction to more adept and visionary leadership.
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