Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is mainstream media too kind to the Miami-Dade County Commission? By Geniusofdespair

To answer my question: They are not pulling punches over there at Miami Today. They can be brutal when it comes to Miami Dade's County Commission. In his editorial, about the cold shoulder the commissioners are giving Commissioner Javier Souto's ethics reform measures, Michael Lewis said:

The wolf pack is on the prowl again. Miami-Dade commissioners keep tearing the heart out of measures to shine sunlight on county hall's deep dark secrets.

Week after week, they show their disdain for the public's right to learn what government is doing. The only thing they don't seem to be hiding is their contempt for the people they in theory serve.

Can't picture the Miami Herald being that blunt. Good for Lewis for saying it like it is. The only one who Lewis identifies as off the hook, besides Souto, is Carlos Gimenez. He also levels a well-deserved parting shot at the community:

But not a word of support has come from those who should be monitoring government — chambers of commerce, voter groups, community leaders. They may believe 100% in the open government Mr. Souto espouses, but they aren't willing to put their necks on the line with commission wolves on the prowl.

And so in the Sunshine State that made the Sunshine Law for open government famous nationally, the door to county hall slowly swings shut to the public without a murmur.
Chalk up another kill for county hall's wolf pack.


Anonymous said...

Carlos Gimenez has no chance at Mayor, neither does Souto have for re-election.
Clean up county hall. Wake up District 10.

Anonymous said...

Clearly an Alvarez supporter.. Wake up County. Souto is on a rampage because what the Administration did to his cattle show budget. He was part of the wolfpack, until very recently. Gimenez has been the only one railing against bad practices at the County, mismanagement, the Marlins ballpark, consistently against moving the UDB on final votes, etc. Oh, and by the way, he knows how to actually run a government, and do so well. He left the City in the best financial shape in its history. Too bad it was ruined after he left. And yes, if you didn't figure it out, I am an Gimenez supporter, and any analysis of the facts would prove that he is the logical choice for Mayor, and finally clean up this County, starting from the top. See ya Burgess!

miaexile said...

"The other reason for killing Mr. Souto's sunshine measures — "lay it out on the table with a stake in its heart" Ms. Seijas said of the bid to list employees" ---- I happened to catch this moment while it was being broadcast on the county channel..that mad seacow is really over the top and it's so clear that what she really means is that she'd like to lay Mr Souto out on the table and put a stake thru his heart ---ugh what a sad soap opera the commission continues to be...

Anonymous said...

The often called criminals on the County Commission refused to discuss every great idea that came from the County Charter Committee.

Term Limits? Great idea. Never brought up for a vote.

Anonymous said...

Gimenez will be the next mayor. Burgess, Glazer Moon, Curry, Torriente, Munoz, etc. will all be history. Hooray!