Friday, January 22, 2010

I am now a card carrying Republican. By Geniusofdespair

Could I be any happier this week? I finally got my new Miami-Dade voter registration card making it official that I am a Republican. Governor Crist had better appreciate what I did for his chances in the primary for the Senate race. A Republican at last! I am now part of the problem. It feels good.


Anonymous said...


In 2006, I switched parties to vote for who I thought was the best candidate, and haven't switched back yet. After the election, I thought, does it really matter?

I'll check back with you after the fall elections to see which camp you're in.


Geniusofdespair said...

The only reason for being in a party is for the primaries. I will always be where I am needed. Plan on switching back and forth whenever the primaries are meaningful.

Jill said...

I did the same thing last year so I could vote in a primary election for my county commission seat.

Still getting used to it.
Just wait until you get some of the poisonous stuff from the NRC in the mail.
The democrats mostly ignored me :)

But, like they say, change must come from within.

Geniusofdespair said...

I have already gotten my invitation to join the NRC. I got it BEFORE I got my registration card. They are alert.

Jill said...

Your invitation to the National Rifle Association is next.

CATO said...

I switched mine for the same raeson in 07 Florida presidential Primary, but as soon as I got the card and put it in my wallet I got the urge to drive an SUV, I became addicted to the 700 Club, I compulsively bought Ronald Reagan commemorative coins,I listened dail to rush limabugh and was glued to the TV whenever Hannitty came on, I also developed a strange attraction to Barbara Bush. I've thought of going back to NPA but I don't think I'll be able to do it without some sort of counseling.
Be afraid Genius.

Geniusofdespair said...

I meant NRA sorry

Anonymous said...

How can anyone be afraid of Republicans?

retiring to france said...

Dear god,

How do you do it? Keep fighting the good fight when it is clear that nothing will change. Now it is confirmed by the Supremes. I give up. I am fed up and I'm not gonna take it anymore! I am, therefore,

Retiring to France

Geniusofdespair said...

You're right, it ain't easy frenchy to keep a good outlook in the face of all the shit...good luck in France.

Milly Herrera, Hialeah said...

In essence, what is occuring is that the majority of citizens today are disgusted with both, Republicans and Democrats. Both parties have become extremists in some issues and the moderates on both sides are highly criticized.

More voters should register as Independents. True, that in Florida, we can't participate in the primaries, but if we had at least 33% to 40% registered Independents, maybe a law would be passed allowing us to vote in the primaries, as other states allow.

Independents tend to be more centered on many of the issues; they also vote for the person and not the party.