Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fair Districts Florida makes 2010 November ballot! ... by gimleteye

Congratulations to Miami attorney and founder of the Fair Districts movement in Florida, Ellen Freiden. Ms. Freiden and her fellow organizers including Tom Rumberger in Tallahassee organized petition collectors. Yesterday, the Florida Supreme Court certified the petition count and now this critical ballot measure joins Amendment 4, Florida Hometown Democracy, on the state-wide Florida ballot in November. What the measure will do is take away the power of political parties and their linedrawers (ie. Miguel De Grandy) and rationalize the process. This step is absolutely critical to improving the quality of representative government in Florida. It took a tremendous effort for both measures to make the November ballot: congratulations to all who made them happen. The slime throwers can't be far behind.


Geniusofdespair said...

Best news of the week!

Jill said...

Barney Bishop and his Associated Industries of Florida has announced they are going to sue to block the amendments