Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Recent Biomedical Literature on Health Risks from Power Transmission Lines ... by gimleteye

Florida Power and Light has armed its offensive to persuade Miami municipalities to permit high voltage power lines along the US 1 corridor, to serve new nuclear reactors planned at Turkey Point. There is plenty to be concerned about. The public discussion about the hazards has been throttled by FPL. Every municipal official along the proposed US 1 route, like the City of Coral Gables where I pay taxes for instance, should give a full public airing the way South Miami did, last week. Read the information assembled by Dr. Philip Stoddard, one of the organizers of Citizens Allied for Safe Energy. Pass it along.

1 comment:

Anna Bystrik said...

the meeting in South Miami was really informative. It was also recorded: will the link to the video be posted? The public and municipal officials who could not be present can watch it and get the facts.