Friday, December 04, 2009

Recall Petition of Mayor Alvarez: Form Approved Today. By Geniusofdespair

(Also see Recall article December 17th)

Lázaro R González' recall petition of Mayor Alvarez is off and running -- the clock is ticking, González has 60 days to get the petitions in - 10% of registered county voters on the day the petition is approved - will force a new election. Last recall we had was of Vile Natacha Seijas and she just got voted in again. It was a waste of time but it did annoy her so all was not lost.

I don't support this recall, and I doubt they will get the signatures in time. WAIT! 12/05 The Herald says that only 4% of voters are needed (about 50,000) which is doable. Let me do some research on that. I did the research:

The electors of the county shall have the power to propose to the Board of County Commissioners passage or repeal of ordinances and to vote on the question if the Board refuses action, according to the following procedure:
1. The person proposing the exercise of this
power shall submit the proposal, including
proposed ballot language to the Clerk of the
Circuit Court who shall without delay ap-
prove as to form a petition for circulation in
one or several copies as the proposer may
desire. A public hearing shall be held on the
proposal at the next Board of County Com-
missioner meeting subsequent to the date
the Clerk approves the petition as to form.
2. The person or persons circulating the petition
shall, within 60 days of the approval of the form
of the petition, obtain the valid signatures of
voters in the county in numbers at least equal to
four percent of the registered voters in the coun-
ty on the day on which the petition is approved,
according to the official records of the County
Supervisor of Elections. In determining the suf-
ficiency of the petition, no more than 25 percent
of the valid signatures required shall come from
voters registered in any single county commis-
sion district. Each signer of a petition shall place
thereon, after his name, the date, and his place
of residence or precinct number. Each person
circulating a copy of the petition shall attach to
it a sworn affidavit stating the number of sign-
ers and the fact that each signature was made in
the presence of the circulator of the petition.
3. The signed petition shall be filed with the
Board which shall within 30 days order a can-
vass of the signatures thereon to determine
the sufficiency of the signatures. If the num-
ber of signatures is insufficient or the petition
is deficient as to form or compliance with this
Section, the Board shall notify the person fil-
ing the petition that the petition is insufficient
and has failed.
4. The Board may within 30 days after the date
a sufficient petition is presented adopt the or-
dinance as submitted in an initiatory petition
or repeal the ordinance referred to by a refer-
endary petition. If the Board does not adopt
or repeal the ordinance as provided above,
then the proposal shall be placed on the bal-
lot without further action of the Board.
5. If the proposal is submitted to the electors,
the election shall be held either:
(a) In the next scheduled county-wide
election, or
(b) If the petition contains the valid signatures
in the county in numbers at least equal to
eight percent of the registered voters in the
county, the election shall take place on the
first Tuesday after 120 days from certifica-
tion of the petition. The result shall be de-
termined by a majority vote of the electors
voting on the proposal.
6. An ordinance proposed by initiatory petition or the
repeal of an ordinance by referendary petition shall
be effective on the day after the election, except that:
(a) Any reduction or elimination of existing rev-
enue or any increase in expenditures not pro-
vided for by the current budget or by existing
bond issues shall not take effect until the be-
ginning of the next succeeding fiscal year; and
(b) Rights accumulated under an ordinance be-
tween the time a certified referendary petition
against the ordinance is presented to the Board
and the repeal of the ordinance by the voters,
shall not be enforced against the county; and
(c) Should two or more ordinances adopted at
the same election have conflicting provi-
sions, the one receiving the highest number
of votes shall prevail as to those provisions.
7. An ordinance adopted by the electorate through
initiatory proceedings shall not be amended or
repealed by the Board for a period of one year
after the election at which it was adopted, but
thereafter it may be amended or repealed like
any other ordinance.

* * *


Anonymous said...

A referendum more worthy of attention:

This has the signatures to get on the statewide ballot. It needs support - remember 60% is required to pass state ballot measures now.

Anonymous said...

They need to get around 175,000 signatures of which 120,000 need to be certified signatures. This is 2,000 good ones a day.
Real tough to do.

Steve said...

They may get enough signatures to make this happen... remember we have cemetaries full of active voters in Miami!

Anonymous said...

And they vote frequently!

Cato said...

Sign early sign often?

Anonymous said...

Just take it to MD County employees he'll have 20,000 signatures easy, right there.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Alvarez is a farce. He should help us all and just resign.

Anonymous said...

An address should be made public
where signatures are being collected. I can guaratee, we can get all the signenzyatures needed and more. Please, someone post the address on line.

the jolly antichrist said...

Hey Millie, didn't Alvarez host a fundraiser for you when you were trying to take out Souto! Nice!

Anonymous said...

Of course it is difficult to obtain the signatures but it is not imposible. We all must remember that these laws were created by the legislators.

The politicians that we voted for and elected, they are the legislators. Last time I checked the records, no politician is in favor of a law that can easily make them guilty of any wrong doing.

We as the voters must be alert and make better and wiser decisions when electing these officals.

Remember, the people get what they voted for.

Anonymous said...

We need to know where to go sign the petition, PLEASE Post Address

the jolly antichrist said...

Guys, it needs to be difficult to collect signatures. If not, we'll end up like California - jacked up with nonsensical constitutional amendments that spend the public dime for special interests!

And Millie! Read the charter woman, not Florida statutes, if your trying to change Miami Dade stuff.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Alvarez getting indicted would be welcome.

Milly Herrera, Hialeah said...

We have to recall Mayor Carlos Alvarez as a matter of principle. By doing so, we might also be successful at eliminating all the high paid employees leeching off of us.

When reading it, the State law regarding a petition drive of this sort seems complicated, intimidating and ridiculous, fabricated to make the task difficult for the average citizens to attain. We need to change many such laws.

Why can't it be simple: Approve the question, get it on a ballot and let voters decide. Government doesn't seem to have to go out of its way to put whatever question they want on a ballot, so why should citizens be given the added task?

Does anyone have the contact information for Mr. Gonzalez? We can probably help him collect some signatures here in Hialeah.

Anonymous said...

Let's make a diffrence and show that we are tired of corrupt politicians. SIGN, SIGN, SIGN, and have your family and friends sign this petition... get them out.