Monday, December 21, 2009

Miguel Diaz de la Portilla gets campaign help from his sleazy brother at taxpayer expense. By Geniusofdespair

It isn’t enough that just about every special interest is giving to his campaign, State Senate hopeful Miguel Diaz de la Portilla has even enlisted his brother for a bogus free mailing. Sleazy School Board member, Renier Diaz de la Portilla, sent a survey mailer on our dime. However 90% of the mailing went to OUTSIDE his school district although paid for with school funds. It was targeted to registered Republican ‘super’ voters (voted in at least 4 of the last elections) in Senate District 36 (where Miguel is running). So Renier left out most of his school district in this school centered newsletter which was actually a survey that Miguel could use in his campaign planning. Miguel could also mine email addresses from the responses. We paid $23,000 for the phony newsletter. Pictured: Pudgy Renier Diaz de la Portilla.

You must WATCH this Jim DeFede video. Also: This is one more reason not to vote for Miguel. Vote for Julio Robaina.


Geniusofdespair said...

THIS PARTICULAR BLOG IS NOT ABOUT JULIO. This isn't an open forum for you Miguel lovers to trash Julio. As a Republican, I find your behavior sickening. Go post on a Diaz de la Portilla loving blog. You will not get free space here!

Anonymous said...

What is it with politicians. You call them sleazy and they call the other guy sleazy. They can't answer the charges so they throw mud. If Miguel PEE didn't have so much money in his account it wouldn't be as self serving. why waste of our tax dollars?

Anonymous said...

Watching the video, I was struck by the fact that this man saw nothing wrong with what he did, even though he admitted a lot of what Jim DeFede said. I think this man has ice running in his veins or else he is dumb to the point of he should be removed from office. Either choice, he is not someone I admire or school children should aspire to.

Anonymous said...

Their behavior must be illegal. Can't some government agency investigate?

Doesn't the School Board have an auditor? Does this auditor allow Board members to steal money?

Anonymous said...

I guess there is no such thing as the first amendment on this blog... If you want to just hear from people that happen to agree with you, why don't you start a club, rather than a "public" forum??

Geniusofdespair said...

This blog isn't a free for is not the Miami Herald. Go there if you want to just post what ever the hell you please. We have had enough experience with candidate to know when the campaign staff is off and running. Let them run somewhere else. It isn't a public forum for nonsense, our blog:

Dedicated to ethical government, saving tax dollars and a healthy environment. We aim to break the chokehold of Miami's developers and lobbyists on local government and the public commons. We offer our forum to that end.

Miguel is a lobbyist with a chokehold, do you think we should offer our blog to help him just because you like him? He hasn't given the community a fair shake do we owe him a public forum for his followers to conduct his campaign, and bash Julio Robaina? I don't think so.

REAL free speech advocate said...

Why should we the people of the blogesphere help a lobbyist win an election in the name of free speech? free speech that is actually paid campaign workers writing the campaign jargon? Paid speech? I agree with your policy. They have enough money to counter whatever is written here. Let them spend money that they get from other lobbyists and then they can ADVERTISE their misinformation.

Anonymous said...

Mug-El Diaz De La Portilla of the School Board made us pay for a campaign mailing for his brother. How much further from free speech can you get? Ban the bastards!

Geniusofdespair said...

Attacking Julio and ESPECIALLY me here -- on a blog about the de la's -- is not going to cut it. If you want to defend Miguel or Renier I will print it.

Miguel lovers: One rule on this blog. Don't attack the blogger. It has always been the rule.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous above Genius: I think you meant Renier.

I watched the video, I found the charges detailed by Jim Defede an outrage. I am calling the school board right now. As a PTA member I find this a waste of school funds.

youbetcha' said...

This is just the stuff they do that gets caught...What do think they are doing on the underside?