Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I have been distracted by a 102 year old with a broken leg. By Geniusofdespair

Mom-in-law fell about 10 days ago and broke her Femur bone. She blamed a faulty walker. Not so. She is a frail 102 year old. I figured death sentence. Doctor said indeed it was unless he operated. He did, hammered in a steel rod. She is back, no longer complaining about the pain of a broken leg. She now is complaining about her bowel movements, hospital food, the nurses, gas, her cell phone, the TV remote, her hearing aids, etc...welcome to my world. This is why I have no patience for idiots on the internet.


Gifted said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

Breaking a femur,at any age,is a big deal. Longest strongest bone in the body and all that.
I guess I'm not so surprised then that not only is she recovering well but also has a cell phone!
How about a facebook account?
Best wishes for a speedy recovery MIL!

Anonymous said...

my best to your mother in law. I need a graphic warning for that picture

Lynn Anderson said...

Wow--that is amazing that she is doing so well. Be blessed that she is still with you and that modern medicine and procedures can give someone of this advanced age a life still worth living. Kudos to her and her obviously very strong will. A great big X'mas hug is sent her way.

youbetcha' said...

Yah. The drawing is more than I can handle.

You are a good person, Genius. It takes a lot of patience to be a caregiver.

The Best to all of you! May you have energy and patience and may she heal fast.

Geniusofdespair said...

You all understand this is my motherinlaw not my mom? The painful labor and changed your diapers guilt trips don't work on me. Listening to the complaints is not a duty it is just whatever I make it. It pretty much sucks.

Judi K said...

Bless you for even listening to her litany of complaints. Still she is one lucky lady at 102.

John E. B Good said...

Been there. My Mom was 92, still driving, etc. then the broken bones came along. Guilt lingers on, no matter what care has been provided.

youbetcha' said...

Bless you for even listening to her litany of complaints. Still she is one lucky lady at 102.

Really Gen, she is lucky to have you even if you get tired of it and even if she can't push the guilt buttons.

Speaking of listening, you get to grumble to me in our old age. :)

What fun that will be!

Geniusofdespair said...

thanks for all the good thoughts, but what I really want is for you to take care of her. Any volunteers?

youbetcha' said...

No, I can't move her in as I need to work to pay for donations to the Herald...

But, what about home nursing care or respite care?

Geniusofdespair said...

It is not the "actual" care it is the mental care, youbetcha', the listening to a barrage of negative crap shooting at you non-stop.

youbetcha' said...

I am sorry, Genius. :o(

You get hear the crap out in the world and then have more to listen to at home.

But, ya know what? People often offer up nastiness when they don't like themselves and they try to offload their personal unhappiness on those around them, whether or not they are family or the clerk in the store. It isn't about you and it is about them.

Not that it doesn't hurt your feelings to hear the meanness, but it really is about her own issues, and you are just someone they can spew her frustration with herself on. Chose not to carry her luggage.

Tell her in a kind way (hmm, with gritted teeth), if she keeps it up, she is going to be whining to the potted plant in the corner.

If she is not mentally incapacitated, she will get the message. And if she is, you need to get someone else in there, so you can go have a glass of wine with your honey.

PS: I will buy you the potted plant

Jill said...

What is it about mother-in-laws?
I hate to say it, but my relationship with mine improved 100% the day she died.
I took care of my mom with Azheimer's for 2 and a half years and even in the thoes of dementia, she was infinitely easier to cope with than the MIL on her bst day.
Your's must have the constitution of an ox :)

Cape Coop said...

Ouch, the grumpiness of the old and ill can sometimes be overwhelming. You are very much admired for being around to listen to the harangues. I hope that your MIL recovers soon so that you will have a respite.

Anonymous said...

How much did the operation cost? Who paid? The taxpayers?

When is enough enough?