Saturday, December 19, 2009

Have an Opinion on Health Care Reform? By Geniusofdespair

Email Your opinion on Health Care Reform to Joe Lieberman. He is apparently the only one that matters.


Anonymous said...

I guess Representative Weiner also matters too. It seems Joe changed his mind a short three months after advocating for a Medicaid buy-in because the liberal representative liked the idea too much.

Joe must go. Too bad there's no recall for Senators.

Anonymous said...

Way too expensive and a bureaucratic nightmare - we should put up a statue honoring Lieberman, especially if he can kill it.

Anonymous said...

One of the better Senators.

Anonymous said...

The New Republic's Jon Cohn sums it up best:

"...this measure is going to make life better not just for millions, but tens of millions of people. Those without insurance will get it; those with it will have guarantees of financial security they never had before. The government will begin creating an infrastructure for making our health care system focus on better quality care, even as it tries to make the system less expensive.

And that's not the end of the story. There will be opportunities to improve this law even after it becomes law. Social Security evolved that way. Medicare too. Health care reform can too.

No, this legislation is not everything it could be. But Iowa Sen. Harkin is right: It’s also not everything it will be."

Take this first step and get better steps in the future.

Anonymous said...

Yes pimps and druglords can now offer healthcare benefits to their employees working the streets. Outstanding! Taxpayers will now wait months for an appointment as the STD crowds and crackheads burden the system.

outofsight said...

The crack heads and std crowds are already in the system. They are among the ones at county hospitals that don't pay.

Anonymous said...

To the poster that referred to the evolution of Social Security and Medicare after becomming law:

1. Social Security is the biggest Ponzi Scheme ever hatched and will not be around for anyone younger than 30. How does someone in their 80s collect 400% more than they ever paid in?

2. Medicare is the single most corrupted institution in the United States. Do you not live in Florida, or something?


Can anyone name something, other than the military (even though 1/2 of that is privatized now) that the government provides, that runs effectively and efficiently?