Sunday, December 13, 2009

Epic Holel In Downtown: Legionnaires' Disease. By Geniusofdespair

Update 12/18: The Health Dept. backtracked and they say the Legionnaires' Disease did NOT orginate at the Epic Hotel. They said they know where the people contracted it but mysteriously the Health Dept. won't tell the public where that is. Sorry Epic.

The Miami Herald reported the luxury Epic hotel, by the Knight Center, had one person die and two others ill from Legionnaires' Disease. I remember the Legionnaires got it from the air conditioning system. Water droplets have to enter a person's lungs so it usually transmitted through the ventilation system but in this case the Herald said it was probably from an elaborate water system that took out too much chlorine from our shitty water - allowing bacteria to grow. The Herald didn't say shitty, I did. The Disease is a type of bacterial pneumonia first reported in 1976 at a Legionnaires convention in Philadelphia.

This is a reason why we don't want rock mining near our well fields: people can die from pathogens and rock mining provides a fast path for pathogens to contaminate our drinking water.


TaDa said...

I dont buy the argument that the filtration system was so good that it created a problem. If it could filter chlorine, why couldn't it filter bacteria (as it was supposed to do)? Instead, I bet that the filters in the system were never changed or cleaned and that caused the problem.

youbetcha' said...

That building is downtown? I don't recall seeing it.

Anonymous said...

The drinking water in South Florida is some of the best tasting tap in the country. Your flippant negative comment about tap water is music to the ears of vendors who sell bottled water. Genius, do you own stock in one of these companies?