Saturday, December 19, 2009

A discouraging week ... by gimleteye

First the weather: historic heat followed by the weirdest late December downpour in memory. The trouble resolving healthcare in the Senate. The politics of destruction. The dismal implosion of the G.O.P. in Florida, and the battle between Gov. Charlie Crist and Marco Rubio. The economy. The SEC investigation of the City of Miami, juggling books to promote bonds for massive projects like the Marlins Stadium whose owners raced to pour concrete before an investigation could bring it down. The firing of a talented career educator by Fairchild Garden, for what? Because education that provides children the opportunity to form moral judgments on environmental issues is antithetical to what big donors want? Then, using a pretext to fire her? Let's hope for better.


Anonymous said...

Many agree, it's time for a whole new Board of Trustees at the Garden. David Fairchild would never allow the recent events to happen as they did. It's time for the living members of Fairchild to vote for change!

Hayes C. Bowen said...

As a longtime friend and volunteer at Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden, it is distressing that the Garden's mission of conservation, education and research is barely visible through the art and social functions that have appeared over the past several years. It was one thing to have a highly successful season built around Dale Chihuly's world-reknown glass work. But look around: fake gorillas and dinosaurs are running amuck. It's so Disney like. The Garden has been dumbing down the ideals of the garden's founder, David Fairchild! Department heads are leaving or being terminated. Volunteers are quitting, and local and international programs are now in jeopardy. Recent actions by the Director of the Garden, supported by the Board of Trustees have led to the departure of an outstanding educator who was on the cusp of both national and international recognition in environmental education. The Fairchild Challenge program has grown exponentially since it's inception and now reaches over 50,000 students locally. Gardens across the globe are embracing its purpose and becoming satellite partners: all based on the vision and energetic leadership of Caroline Lewis, also gone. The Garden is transformed: for the worse.

Anonymous said...


You know better than to clump the City of Miami's financial issue in with the Stadium being built. The only thing the City is bonding are the Parking Garages, and they haven't exactly rushed to pour concrete on those, have they? They have actually delayed them.


Anonymous said...

The City is obligated to spend a minimum of $94 Mil on a garage for the Marlins. (The City is broke.) The City's CFO promised rating agencies the City was in great shape. Two months later after the Marlins votes he announced a $119 Mil deficit. Of course the SEC is investigating.

not either M said...

M knows that, last anon, he is just being a numnut.

He also knows that since Mayor A sucked the county into this mess, the county population is gonna screwed and not even get kissed when the city can't pay for those garages