Tuesday, November 03, 2009

We will post election results tonight! By Geniusofdespair

I'm done 10:14 P.M. nothing close left except the Grove Village Council. Voter turnout at 21.24%.
City of Miami:
97 out of 128 precincts: Regalado 71.74%, Sanchez 28.26%
14 out of 17 precincts: Carollo 52.93%
Suarez 44.9%, Manolo Reyes 40.35% RUNOFF
Spence Jones 82.98% (all precincts not in)
Robaina 93.31%
Gonzalez 84.20%
Cue 90.40%
Homestead: (back to grow, develop, grow in Homestead!!)
Steven Bateman 58.76%
Stephen Shelley 58.94%
Jimmie L. Williams 50.71%
Elvis R. Maldonado 55.56%
Judy Waldman 64.79% and she is the Vice Mayor too!
Miami Beach: (all precincts not in)
Matti Bower 76.83%
Jerry Libbin 83.37%
Jorge Exposito 38.34%, Maria Mayer 37.64%, Sherry Roberts 24.02% RUNOFF
Gongora 41.96%, Alex Fernandez 28.81%, Gabrielle Redfern 29.24% RUNOFF (too close to know who will be in it as 34 out of 36 precincts are in)
Miami Beach Ballot Questions:
Ethics in government yes 93.52%
Public Street Ends yes 78.51%
City Owned Property yes 69.59%
Coconut Grove Village Council 7 out of 11 reporting:

Heather Bettner
Percent of total votes
6.52% 586
Kate Callahan
Percent of total votes
7.33% 659
David B. Collins
Percent of total votes
7.64% 687
Liliana Dones
Percent of total votes
5.22% 469
Felice Dubin
Percent of total votes
5.95% 535
Rose Fountain
Percent of total votes
4.35% 391
William Furry
Percent of total votes
4.28% 385
Javier Gonzalez
Percent of total votes
5.36% 482
Scott Janowitz
Percent of total votes
4.83% 434
Giana M. Leyva
Percent of total votes
3.08% 277
Stephen P. Murray
Percent of total votes
6.48% 583
Michelle Niemeyer
Percent of total votes
7.25% 652
Sylvia Quinn
Percent of total votes
4.82% 433
Renita Ross Samuels-Dixon
Percent of total votes
7.23% 650
Patrick Sessions
Percent of total votes
8.84% 795
Adam Weirich
Percent of total votes
3.99% 359
David Eric Wells
Percent of total votes
6.84% 615


Anonymous said...

Homestead has a new Mayor and Council

Anonymous said...

The Elections Deparment isn't posting Homestead. What's happening?

Anonymous said...

McCormick lost by 1%...I would ask for a recount.

Anonymous said...

the saddest day for miami in 8 years

Anonymous said...

As well as Homestead.

Anonymous said...

Hey, why don't we all buy land in Homestead, sell it to the City at a 100% mark up and see what they build.....Now they have a Contractor as their leader! OMFG. How did they bus the most uneducated voters in to the polls. I hope it was more than a box lunch!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Joe Sanchez got totally dismissed. Now he can slither off into the unemployment lines.

Anonymous said...

The Homestead outcome was distressing.

Anonymous said...

E Z voter registration says get list who voted last time then get list of foreclosures then buy camera and lamination machine and locate lucky sap willing to trade name for $ or booze or doobie. E Z voter Florida our tag is keeping it real.

Anonymous said...

to the third anon from the bottom-don't worry, under the Regalado administration more city residents will join Sanchez at the unemployment lines. He just wants to fill potholes and collect garbage. No vision or job creation formula. But he won and now all will pay.

Anonymous said...

Regalado did win. He won in a landslide. Obviously the voters knew his opponent had no vision or a vision that sharply differed from theirs. The landslide proves people want to get back to basics. No more deficit "Manny Diaz" spending. Regalado now must clean up the mess Diaz is leaving. "Like rats leaving the sinking ship..."

Watch. Manny Diaz might be a defendant as he gets sued for causing the City to go bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

Rats arent leaving city hall, they arrive next week on the 11th. Ben and Willard are getting ready.

Anonymous said...

Watch the moving vans as the rats pack up and leave City Hall.

Manny Diaz gets to watch the mess he created from the comfort of his taxpayer financed $100,000 per year pension, for which he contributed zero nada zilch. As the Marlins debt service grows and as Miami's unemployment ranks rise Manny's pension will grow too. Ah, what a country...

Anonymous said...

What a country allright. If it werent for the cubans Regalado does not get elected.

Anonymous said...

If it weren't for the Cubans, Regalado and Sanchez would not have been running. What is your point?

Geniusofdespair said...

They don't have a point...it is the teenagers writing again. Can't you tell?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps with Regalado we will have a Mayor who is at least receptive to another alternative other than develop, develop, develop! We are max out and our quality of life is suffering. Where was the Manny Diaz/Joe Sanchez vision when it came to parks and green space??? No vision. Virginia Key was the last and perfect example. An asset that has the potential to be an environmental jewel, unique amongst cities around the world. A place that our families can go and get lost with nature and learn about the nature that we are on the brink of losing if we don't step up as better stewards of the remaining undeveloped lands we have. Then there is Watson Island, another coastal asset that begs to be relandscaped and left as the green space that we as a community need and should demand. I am hopeful that we might have a chance with Regalado. I know we were dead in the water with Sanchez with only battles to look forward to. Communicate with your new mayor and commissioners and let them know that there is more to a great city than towering skyscrappers. Now, at the bottom of the real estate cycle where pricing is back to 1990 valuations, is the time to acquire the undeveloped parcels and provide the citizens with the parks and green spaces that they deserve.

Anonymous said...

The City of Miami is facing bankruptcy because Manny Diaz allowed salaries and pensions to get out of control. When the average taxpayer earns $37,000 per year with no health insurance and no pension how can the City pay EMT workers $250,000 per year with 100% pensions after 20 years? How can the City survive when 82% of all revenues go out the door for salaries and benefits. In addition, too many City workers live outside the City.

Great point above. The best time to buy property is in a depression. Like right now. The City needs more park space especially since Manny Diaz used park land as opportunities to build more concrete buildings. And Manny gave away Bicentennial Park and the Orange Bowl site getting nothing in return.

Anonymous said...

The City of Miami is facing bankruptcy because Manny Diaz allowed salaries and pensions to get out of control. When the average taxpayer earns $37,000 per year with no health insurance and no pension how can the City pay EMT workers $250,000 per year with 100% pensions after 20 years? How can the City survive when 82% of all revenues go out the door for salaries and benefits. In addition, too many City workers live outside the City.

Great point above. The best time to buy property is in a depression. Like right now. The City needs more park space especially since Manny Diaz used park land as opportunities to build more concrete buildings. And Manny gave away Bicentennial Park and the Orange Bowl site getting nothing in return.

Harry Emilio Gottlieb said...

Two years ago Manny Diaz was told by District 2 voters that they did not approve of his efforts when they voted against his chosen candidate for commissioner and elected Marc Sarnoff. Last Tuesday the citizens of Miami once again demonstrated their overwhelming disapproval with Manny Diaz and his so called vision for Miami, when they voted against is chosen candidate for Mayor, Joe Sanchez and elected Tomas Regalado. What is especially shameful is that Diaz pushed the Marline Stadium, Parking Garage and Miami 21 down our throats and did not let the voters decide what they wanted to do with those expensive projects at the election. Diaz and Sanchez are finally departing City Hall. How sad for us that their legacy will be a broken city, disregard for our zoning codes, glut of housing, devalued property values and a massive debt for generations to come, brought about by expensive projects we don’t need and did not agree to.

A reporter asked Joe what he thought about the 72% mandate that Tomas recived by the voters and if it was a rejection of Manny Diaz and Joe's support for the big budget projects (that we can’t afford)? Joe actually had the nerve to say that he did not see it as a rejection of the choices made by Manny and him. Joe said he saw it as his failure to community with the electorate. How is that for spin or being delusional!

Congratulations to Tomas Regalado and to Miami. Now the real work begins for all of us!

Anonymous said...

Ah, low IQ Joe Sanchez. It must be nice to be so out of touch?