Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Watching the Ferro Application. By Geniusofdespair

It is on TV right now if you want to see it. State Senate hopeful Miguel Diaz de la Portilla is the lobbyist for Ferro. Laura Reynolds of Tropical Audubon was one of the people speaking against moving the UDB line for this application stressing that there was no need for commercial in this area. The Planning Department of the County recommended denial because it is needed agricultural land and there is no need for commercial in this area. I have to leave but I will tape the County Commission discussion. Maybe Gimleteye can report! Katy just said she can't support it. Natacha is speaking now, sounds like she wants to transmit it, she only spoke for 10 seconds and I know how she is going to vote. Gimenez is voting to transmit but said he probably wouldn't support it later. Pepe, you know how he is going...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Ferro and Miguel, I think we DO need another Publix within a 2 mile radius, in the middle of an Ag field, past the Urban Development Boundary.

We need to maintain this buffer between the Everglades and the city.

Hold the Line.

Anonymous said...

Ok so what was the final vote?

Was this application transmitted to DCA?

Geniusofdespair said...

Yes. It passed 7 to 4 to be transmitted to DCA.