Friday, November 13, 2009

Governor has removed Spence-Jones and Angel Gonzalez Resigned Effective Monday. By Geniusofdespair

There will be four new Commissioners in the City of Miami!
Governor Charlie Crist today suspended Miami Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones, who was charged today with grand theft, a second degree felony. (Hit read more for the full Crist press release) Last month, Governor Crist petitioned the Florida Supreme Court to impanel a Statewide Grand Jury to investigate criminal activity committed by public officials while acting in their official capacity. Katherine Fernandez Rundle, the State Attorney for the 11th Circuit Court, informed Governor Crist of the impending arrests.

“I am grateful to Florida’s State Attorneys for their tireless work to uncover corruption and bring those who abuse their position of public trust to justice,” Governor Crist said. “Today’s events further demonstrate the need for a Statewide Grand Jury to identify necessary changes in current law and provide specific recommendations to combat corruption in our state.”

In a separate case, Miami Commissioner Angel Gonzalez was charged today with a misdemeanor count of exploitation of public position and resigned today, effective Monday, November 16, 2009. Governor Crist cited the arrest as further evidence that a Statewide Grand Jury is needed.

Governor Crist deems it to be in the best interest of the public for a Statewide Grand Jury to review criminal activity committed by public officials while acting in their official capacity. Since taking office in January 2007, Governor Crist has suspended 32 public officials, including today’s suspension.


Anonymous said...

Watching decades of the City Commission is watching Poker. The citizens of Miami are given five cards. The bad cards try to cash in on lucrative contracts and grants and bluff their way out. But then there's a showdown. Their faces turn royally flush and they try to pass the buck when the chips are down. The attorney general is the people's wild card, their ace in the hole. Only then, can we be dealt a new hand and hopefully Miamians can put all the cards on the table and just hold 'em.

Anonymous said...

It is such a shame that both Michelle Spence-Jones and Angel Gonzalez voted to approve the $3 bil bailout of the privately owned Marlins baseball team. That vote was a crime. Now both politicians are indicted and fired by Gov Crist. Sad they were not caught and exposed earlier. Jeffrey Loria and David Samson must be laughing.

Who else helped divert the taxpayers money? Who else took the taxpayers money? Who else took advantage of the taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

Money Manny Diaz escaped with his $100,000 per year pension.

Harry Emilio Gottlieb said...

A commissioner that is removed from office and one that is forced to submit thier resignation must not be permitted to recive any pension. If possible they should be made to return the salary, expenses and perks that where paid to them by the taxpayers under false pretense. The only thing better would be if thier past votes that have damaged our community so badly could now be rescinded.

Anonymous said...

Moving away from the details of the Spense-Jones case and looking at the State as a whole, there is a real need for ethics training for all newly elected officials. Just as the Governor has called for a Statewide Grand Jury, he needs to now institute mandatory ethical training. It appears that many people think that getting elected means you can get money from your public service work as commissioners and council members, and that they have hit the lotto. One way to think of ethics is to imagine a continuum with white on one end representing an absense of unethical behavior to black on the other end representing criminal activity. To get money, many operate in the dark grey area, near black, dotting back abd forth hoping they won't get caught. They need to be told they need to operate only in the white area, to avoid even the appearance of wrong doing. The training can be very specific with role-playing of situations they will face in their official role so it is very clear in their minds they are engaging in criminal behavior.

Anonymous said...

The City of Miami has for years required mandatory Ethics training class attendance.
I've been thru a few of them and they aren't worth the time or money wasted.
I don't believe any class out there could actually teach adults to disregard their own ingrained corrupt ideas and behaviors.

Anonymous said...

We have been hearing that Spence-Jones has been corrupt for decades. No class was going to help her. Maybe jail will teach her to respect hardworking taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

Sad it had to be this way, but at least City Comission is starting fresh. Time to focus on cleaning up the Unreformable Majority.

Anonymous said...

The State Attorney's office and the Miami Dade County Commission on Ethics are often used to wage political warefare. It is often the career politicians bought by special interests and the real crooks who have the influence with these two agencies. If Governor Crist wants to end corruption in Miami Dade County he should start with an investigation of Robert Myers and Katherine Rundell.

Anonymous said...

If only Regalado would run for County. I guess it was no coincidence that he introduced the director of the FBI at his swearing in.

Anonymous said...

What is it about Kathy Fernandez Rundell that so many seem to hate? Is she as bad as some people say and, if so, what is the scoop on her? Might be a good topic for this blog.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with Regalado. These investigations are by the State Attorney's Office. Regalado was once investigated himself by Katherine Fernandez-Rundle. Regalado's time to leave is also approaching.

Anonymous said...

Katherine Fernandez-Rundle should set her sights and her investigators on the City's Capital Improvements Department. That department always demands and approves huge profits to well connected contractors. Taxpayers get screwed every time. $500 mil might have been wasted.

miacane said...

Too bad they couldn't just move on her BEFORE the election, giving time for us to elect a new commissioner, instead of costing us the $$$ it'll cost to hold a special election.

Anonymous said...

Smart people who knew Spence-Jones have been saying since 2004-2005 that she was just a criminal. Why did Manny Diaz hire her? Did Manny Diaz do any "due diligence"?
Why did Manny Diaz raise so much money for her so she could get elected?

Anonymous said...

If they were really concerned about tax payers money, they would hold a mail in election and save the cost.
And while at it maybe someone should be looking at MD Elections to see why the cost of an election are so high.

Anonymous said...

The City of Miami should start the election process all over again with no one elected unless there is over an 80% voter turnout.

Anonymous said...

If they really care about taxpayers money, this dhould be a mail only election and save cost. And while at it someone should look at MD Elections and find out why cost of having an election is so high.

Anonymous said...

Spence-Jones should just go away. But Spence-Jones will keep fighting because the City of Miami pays her $104,000 per year plus all the money she can steal and a nice fat pension. All while working 10-20 hours a month. Who would give that up?