An article,Whose Money is Behind Political Campaigns?, in their November newsletter had a short series of questions from the National Institute on Money in State Politics. Take their quiz:
1. Which out-of-state organization contributed $350,000 to the Florida Democratic Party in 2008?
2. Which two groups' combined donations represented almost half of the money raised for the Save Our Homes ballot initiative?
3. How many lobbyists did U.S. Sugar Corp. employ in Florida in 2009?
4. Which industry contributed the most money to campaigns in Florida in 2008?
If you get 100% you also get to buy me lunch. I am hoping you win, here are the answers:
1. Michigan Democratic Party contributed $350,000 to the Florida Democratic Party in 2008? What’s that about?
2. The combined donations from Florida Power and Light ($1,000,000) and Florida Realtors Association ($1,111,778) represented almost half of the money raised for the Save Our Homes ballot initiative. That is beyond scary in my book. It also explains why everyone should have signed the petition.
3. The U.S. Sugar Corp. employed 20 lobbyists in Florida in 2009. I would love to see that invoice for their services!
4. Lobbyists and Lawyers contributed the most money to campaigns in Florida in 2008. I suppose that is not a surprise to most of us either. I wonder how many of those firms have roots in the South Florida area?
If you are interested in learning more about how to track this sort of information, the Human services Coalition is hosting a seminar to learn how to "Follow the Money," led by Edwin Bender, on Tuesday, December 8th from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Bender is Executive Director of the National Institute on Money in State Politics which has developed online tools and databases for tracking campaign donations, lobbyist funds and stimulus money.
Wish I was closer, I'd love to go.
What is really scary is that for as little as a $5,000 or $10,000 campaign contribution a Miami-Dade County commissioner will "sell" his or her vote.
The Miami Science Museum is broke and in debt yet with no money and just using lobbyists they are trying to con Miami-Dade County into giving them $175 mil to $350 mil. Assuming Miami-Dade County leaders are stupid enough to fall for its lies Miami Science Museum will then need $20 mil to $30 mil per year to cover annual losses and debt service. Amazing.
I must be losing my reading comprehension abilities. Where is the seminar?
Gosh, I must be suffering turkey overload :(
The event is at:
Tuesday, Dec 8, 2009 (9:00 AM to 10:30 AM) at the Human Services Coalition
260 NE 17 Terr., Miami, FL
You can sign-up at:
Look to the upper right side to RSVP
For more information:
305 576 5001
Caitlin Maclaren
Follow the money. Watch the taxpayer's money get diverted into building two unnecessary buildings on the taxpayer owned waterfront Bicentennial Park. Anyone know how much over budget is the Miami International Airport new terminal?
Anyone know how much Miami Art Museum owes? Anyone know if Miami Science Museum really owes $15 mil to out-of-town consultants?
Follow the campaign contributions...
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