Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fiddling while sea levels rise: super high tide watch in Florida ... by gimleteye

In the warm-up to Copenhagen, the world's leaders are backing away from tough numerical standards to reduce carbon emissions. Last night, according to The Miami Herald, 100 protesters representing the Tea Baggers etc. showed up to demonstrate against Al Gore's appearance and speech on climate change. At the same time, streets on Miami Beach were flooding again as the new moon approaches. We've been noticing super high tides on the lunar cycle for months. Here is a photo from this morning at Matheson Hammock (taken around 7:30AM, tide still rising). Send us your photos of flooding, where flooding used to be a rare event.


Unknown said...

These protesters choose to stick their head in the sand in the name of political reasons. Rush Limbaugh and company say there's no such thing as global warming and these lead-brained idiots, believe it. It's a crying shame...

Anonymous said...

The protesters are getting paid. There's a whole boycott going on against companies that support the idea that there is no global warming. Wish I could go to CVS again!

I was at Matheson, same time! Great sunrise. Lots of manatees feeding over by the boat channel. Swimming season is over! If only the global warming could keep the water warm.


Anonymous said...

You should have been in the Keys this weekend. It was perfect.

Marshmaid said...

Yesterday's Sun Sentinel had a similar bipolar episode - the article on Gore's speech focused on the climate deniers' protest while the National section featured innovative climate change solutions. I really believe folks are very scared, hence the denial.

The odd twist is that if there is no climate problem, why back nukes?

Anonymous said...

that palm tree is a goner as is much of the coast of Florida if the SLR predictions hold. question is - what is government doing about it? or is it "business" as usual?

Anonymous said...

Water's up to the road in Shorecrest today.

Anonymous said...

"Hogwash!" That's the word Adm. James Lyon's (Ret) opinion piece in today's Washington Times used to describe the warnings that global climate change threatens our national security.

Now you know why Sen. Kerry asked me to relaunch Truth Fights Back.

Hogwash?! Not if you listen to General Anthony Zinni, who said, "We will pay to reduce greenhouse gas emissions today...or we will pay the price later in military terms. And that will involve human lives." General Zinni, the former commander of all US forces in the Middle East, knows that the Middle East is home to 6% of the world's population but only 2% of the world's water, and can see how a warming globe and changing weather patterns will create even more instability in that volatile region.

Or maybe just ask the Pentagon and the CIA, who have set up centers to study the national security risks from climate change.

Here's just one example of those risks: scientists are now warning that the glaciers of the Himalayas, source waters for the major rivers of nuclear powers China, India, and Pakistan, will be completely gone by 2035. Imagine the potential conflicts that could cause.

But still, the author of that op-ed in the Washington Times actively spreads distortions about the effect of the legislation now in Congress that combats climate change, spreading fear about the effect on the economy. The truth? Studies of the full range of the plans show a benefit to the economy and millions of new clean energy jobs waiting to be created .

The climate change and energy independence efforts Sen. Kerry and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are leading will finally put Americans back in control of our energy future. As long as we import billions of barrels of oil to run our economy, we remain at the mercy of the actions of countries like Venezuela and Nigeria and the whims of the Saudi royal family. We can finally break that cycle and put our future in the hands of American innovators and American workers.

But - we have no illusions about the kind of distortions and omissions we will see from the status quo as we fight for a new direction. We'll see a lot more of them from those who profit from the old way of doing things. That's why TruthFightsBack will continue to point out the truth. Stand by, in just days we'll launch the site that will put the truth in your hands and give you the tools to fight back with it. The status quo is strong, but we are stronger, if we all join together and fight back. The truth needs our help, but with it, we'll win and get our planet and our economy the clean start they need.

Thank you,

Brian Young

Anonymous said...

Matheson Hammock's roads and parking areas have been flooding for decades during exceptionally high or spring tides. I remember as a kids, 40+ yrs. ago, riding my bike thru endless rivers of saltwater that covered low lying areas of the park roads and bike paths. Thats not to say global warming and rising tides are not coming coming because I believe they are. Whats even more disturbing now is the proposal to commercially develop this pristine, natural area and bulldoze mangroves and wetlands in the name of the almighty dollar. Aquamarine and Marc Boniconti should be ashamed of themselves for even thinking of committing such an atrocity in our public park.