Here is what we are in for tax wise: The necessary commitment of local financial support for Confidential Project No. 10-00013, as required under Florida Statute 288.106, exists in an amount not to exceed $95,160 from General Revenue Funds. This sounds really idiotic in normal-land but I guess not for our County. "Project Edgar" -- as they refer to it -- also wants money from the State (more of our tax dollars):
Isn't all this secret stuff against the Sunshine Laws? I think at the heart of this is some sort of porn hotline in Rebeca Sosa's district. What do you think it is?

On one hand - I like that kinds of jobs it brings. I can appreciate not sayint the company because we'd lose our competitive edge...but this is too cloak and dagger to be comfortable spending quite that much cash without a convo.
Average salary $35,000 a year? Looks like county workers won't be switching careers -- the county should require a living wage.
Don't believe the jobs hype. It is never true.
Why do we have to give funds to a private corporation? We need to hold a confidential tea party to combat this confidential project.
Whe a County, or City is trying to lure businesses into an Enterprise Zone, Empowerment Zone, or utilize any type of Tax Credit reimbursement program created by the state to establish businesses in less than desirable areas, the contract remains "confidential" until the company agrees to certain terms.
It is deemed confidential so that other jurisdictions (states, counties, cities, etc...) don't try and steal away the business by offering the companies more than we are offering.
It's not some nefarious plot against taxpayers.
P.S. - The financial benefits are usually done as a Tax Credit. Therefore, the government is not taking your money and giving it to a private company, it is simply lowering the tax burden on that company if it sets up shop here. If there were not enough lures for the company to come here, then it wouldn't, and there would have been no taxes being paid by it in the first place.
Just do a PRAR for all information concerning the project.
porn call center sounds about right.
So M what is the rent the Mayor is being charged by that Republican fundraiser....I asked earlier this week and mum is the word...
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