When he sang Suzanne it was awesome knowing that the composer was actually singing my favorite song. Sublime lyrics! I was so transported, I realized I knew all the words. Yes, I was one of those annoying people who sang along at a concert. I swear I never did that before. Even though I usually prefer other people singing Suzanne, like Nina Simone, his version was much more than I expected and an experience I will never forget. Thanks, Dan, for getting the tickets!
(Hit read more for a video of a young Leonard and Judy Collins singing Suzanne)
A taste worth acquiring!
My brother has attended dozens of Leonard Cohen concerts. He says Cohen has a huge fan base worldwide.
The show was amazing. Here is some video:
Fantastic concert, with such a wide cross-section of people in attendance.
I was awestruck by the man!
Goes to show what 40 years of zen meditation & chanting sounds like....
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