Thursday, October 01, 2009

The Challenge to Tomas Regalado and Joe Sanchez: Take a Stand. By Geniusofdespair

Bruno Barreiro and Audrey Edmonson voted for the Lowe's store and can also vote to rescind the Lowe's amendment. See post below. Why don't the two of you weigh in on this issue to them? You have 3 county commissioners within your City, yet, there is never a peep from the City as the County does outrageous things with money that your constituents need. There are millions of dollars of unfunded, crumbling County infrastructure in your City. The more the County sprawls Westward, the less money is available for the inner City. What do you think guys? Tomas: You have been criticized for not having a vision: do you want to take a stand on the Lowe's battle which requires some regional vision? Do you think the County should use your City's tax dollars to fight for a hardware store that the Governor has rejected? I will print your responses, send them to:


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see their responses. I will check back in later today.

Anonymous said...

I bet you won't hear from either of them. They don't want to weigh in on County business as usual.

Anonymous said...

I agree: it is a point long neglected by voters-- but now that there is a fiscal crisis and growth doesn't pay, it would be a good place for the candidates to get traction with hte public.

Anonymous said...

It is about time that our City stood up to the County!

Tony Garcia said...

I agree, they need to show some backbone and challenge bad decisions made by other civic leaders. I doubt you will hear a response though.

Anonymous said...

I live in Coconut Grove and I would like to hear their answers on this issue. I am still open on who I am voting for. And backbone is required to get my vote.

Anonymous said...

Regalado was against the Coconut Grove Home Depot.
History shows us his answer.

Geniusofdespair said...

History shows us shit. I want to know about the LOWE's.

The Home Depot is nothing like -- even remotely -- the Lowe's issue. I want to see some clout used at the County Level to get what is good for the city not what is good for a commissioner in a Western Suburb.

Do not post the Home Depot again, it is NOT THE LEAST BIT THE SAME.

Geniusofdespair said...

The Home Depot issue was about traffic in the Grove, noise etc.

The Lowe's issue is about the urban development boundary, good planning, sprawl, wasting taxpayer dollars on lawsuits, not diverting money from the inner city, what is good for the region as a is a bigger issue by that city officials should weigh in on as it takes funds from there city that could be used for unfunded infrastructure. If a city commissioner wants to be mayor he SHOULD be able to articulate on this and see the bigger picture involved. That answer of Home Depot is what I see wrong with the candidates...they need to see beyond the little crap and make the big stuff right. Going against the Lowe's lawsuit progressing further has a far reaching implication for the betterment of the County...and the City within the County.

Gifted said...

Genius....seriously man, you may have had a little bit to many Colada's this morning.

No candidate has answered either with Home Depot or not.

That being said, both Commissioners are either getting help or seeking help from the County Commissioners.
So I dunno....

Geniusofdespair said...

I am just mad that the people can't figure it out... or should I say campaign workers. I know the candidates haven't weighed in.

Yet, I am listening to the banter by these candidates and it could be lifted up a few notches -- I am trying to ask a question that will make them think.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with Gifted, the candidates should answer these questions and it shouldn't effect any goodwill they have with county commissioners to weigh in on an issue such as this.

Anonymous said...

The candidates are too busy answering questions, like what times bars should close to answer any questions of substance. Give it up.

North Grover said...

Since they have not answer I will Pretend:

Tomas: No.

Joe: What? I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Interesting article in the herald regarding the City's budget, and their tendancy to take money out of the emergency fund to pay for budget deficits! Read for more:

Anonymous said...

Manny Diaz and Pete Hernandez and their sidekick CFO Larry Spring raped the City's reserves for over $20 mil. Under Manny's reign the reserves dropped from $140 mil to maybe $60 mil.

Anonymous said...

Joe Sanchez demanded the taxpayers give the Marlins a stadium and a site specific garage. Cost to taxpayers a minimum of $3 billion. Retrn to taxpayers - zero.

Anonymous said...

No word from either candidate? They need someone to feed them answer.

Geniusofdespair said...

I haven't heard from either candidate. I know at least one of them has seen the column...

Fortune Teller said...

My predictions
Sanchez- I served on the Green Commission and championed....blah well as
synergy....championed.....and thats why its wrong the UBD or UDD thing is wrong. Oh....its a

The environment ? Who cares abo....
Wait the County is taking it to court again? But that will just bring more empty condos and villages in the middle of nowhere. Yet again the Government is going against the people. Screw the County.

Anonymous said...

I would give them both a bit of time. Candidates dont respond well to open challenges.
Unless you gave them a bit of lead time and told them that you were going to print it.

Anonymous said...

Fortune Teller...I laughed outloud for a while on that one

Anonymous said...

Joe Sanchez as Chairman of the City Commission moved the Planning and Zoning Agenda from 5:00 pm to 10:00 am so his cronies and lobbyists could get their slime schemes passed without pesky residents showing up to complain.

Anonymous said...

Barreiro is an idiot. He voted to move the UDB line and he voted in favor of the proposed Lowe's invading the Everglades which would create more sprawl. Barreiro is controlled by lobbyists.

If Barreiro really cared about his constituents he would have voted against anything invading the Everglades and he would have voted against the Marlins bailout and he would have demanded more money going to the Miami Beach Convention Center.