Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Twitter: The Fake Marco Rubio Site. By Geniusofespair

I finally found a Twitter page that amused me. It is called Fake Marco Rubio. Some posts (they take Marco's twitter entries and massage them):
1. English must be the official language of gov and unifying language of our people, unless I'm campaigning on Spanish-speaking TV
2. Had to drive Prius today, but to honor the tea parties I went ahead and bought some gas and poured it out the window as I drove.
3. Driving home from Palatka. Car behind us has strobing blue lights on roof going. I thought we cut their budget?
4. I strongly favor government staying out of people's lives. Unless they are gay. Or want an abortion. Or say something I don't like.
5. POTUS speech to kids is weird. But WH is using it to take the focus off of health care reform debate. Don't fall into the trap. (OH! Sorry this one was real Rubio post!)


Anonymous said...

This amuses me and terrifies me at the same time.

Geniusofdespair said...

Ditto. Marco always terrifies me.