Is a slowing Gulf Stream responsible for the super high tides during this moon cycle? The phenomenon was recently examined by NOAA, but in the meantime you can ponder what Miami will look like under conditions of rapid, permanent sea level rise. Before getting to the photos taken at Matheson Hammock Park in Coral Gables, here is a recent NOAA graphic-- sent around by scientists wondering the same thing. Here is the problem, dear skeptics: what is happening, or happened the past few days re tide levels, was NOT predicted by the models that incorporate the moon cycle.

Now, back to the photos: the tide was still coming in. For more photos that show just how close the rising tide is to the roadway and barriers, taken around 11:10 AM, click 'read more'.

What was the road like at Matheson? I know that is impassable sometimes during super high tides.
Nuts abound and these folks would try and tell you that it's all a figment of your imagination:
I live on my boat and can tell you it's not imaginary. This year we have had two or three times when the tides have been freakishly high. This week as been one of those times. The water at its highest is almost to the surface of the finger piers, and at Grove Key Marina the docks by the boat lift have been underwater.
Oh, I believe you... but you should take a look at those links.
I grew up on boats in the grove. I remember as a kid tides that would go go over the pier.
Of course the whole argument is moot with global warming because it would be impossible for me to see the irrefutable evidence in my lifetime.
That being said Climate Change (global warming is a misnomer) has and will continue to severely affect our world.
Last year there was a hurricane off the coast. During high tide at matheson we had to wade through the parking lot to get to the lagoon. In some parts the ocean flowed directly into the swimming areas. They had to close down The "Red Fish" because people couldn't get to the building. It's no where near that high this year.
Yeah, yeah yeah. Read the post. The whole point is that there are NO hurricanes.
Readers, if you have taken photos of high, high tide the past few days or tomorrow: please email them to gimleteyemiami@yahoo.com
There hasn't been any global warming in ten years. But for those of you who still believe everything the Chicken Little alarmists say, no amount of evidence can convince you otherwise. These super high tides are naturally ocurring due to the moon and the seasons, not our SUVs.
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