Friday, September 18, 2009

Quote of the Day on the Budget Approved Early this Morning. By Geniusofdespair

Mayor Calos Alvarez: It was a good day for social services.

All those senior meal programs, where County Commissioners have a lock on voting seniors, they will be fully-funded according to the Herald.


Anonymous said...

his sister runs one.

miaexile said...

those same seniors chowing down "free" ( to them ) food are out on the sidewalks screaming about the nation becoming socialist...good god the irony.

Anonymous said...

The seniors and the unions, no commissioner will cross them!

Anonymous said...

The unions ended up on the losing side of the budget. I guess it is a crime to provide excetional service, be highly trained and make a decent living. I can't believe what the commission decided to fund off the back of their employees. Granted, there are some exceptions that embarass us all in terms of salary figures. I am eager to see what will be funded with the budget. I am not so eager to see the innocent resident who becomes a victim of the budget. So much for supporting incumbents.

Anonymous said...

Why would he even bother to respond except his ego was stomped upon by a reporter. Alvarez was engaging in juvenile behavior, in fact, like a kid mad because a game wasn't being played his way. The reporters did not take the bait and they seemed to be very patient about the whole deal.

I feel bad for the Officers who were there as a command performance. How embarrassing is it for them to be used as a backdrop for Alvarez's attempt at drama.

The mayor would done well to stay in his office. Where was Mr. Morales?

Anonymous said...

Plucky reporter.

Anonymous said...

The deal last night was announced with little fanfare. The unreported problem is that the whole budget unwinds if the unions do not agree to the 5% pay cut, which is $106M across the board. This budget year is like a 2 act play -- the first act is done. Now the players return to the stage for the union negotiations. My bet is that the next act will be more farce than drama.

Anonymous said...

You mean more farce than the whole thing being decided behind closed doors when they suposedly were on a break, and not in chambers.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor proposed to cut the funding to those programs, including the one his sister runs.

Anonymous said...

The Unions won't have a choice. The salary for their departments will be cut by 5%, no matter what. They can have 100 people with a total salary of X, or they can have 95 people with a total salary of X, the main thing is that X stays the same.

Take a 5 % pay cut, or lose 5% of your union members.


Anonymous said...

The Mayor knew that Natacha would NEVER cut the senior food programs, over Gwen Margolis' dead body.

out of sight said...

Some things:

1. The mayor's proposal to cut funding on the seniors was a safe bet when it came to seniors. He knew it was not going to happen. Besides, he absolutely needs those senior centers, so he now has additional political clout with the people there. Those are same folks who get a free breakfast and a ride to the polls.

That is the same thing that happens when he does vetoes, usually a veto is a win-win move for him. Not that I blame him, it usually benefits the public, however it benefits him whether the veto stands or gets over-ridden.

2. Good analysis M. The only question remains is whether or not if there is a county revenue source that floats up/down which demonstrates an increase during the early budget year or if another pot of money is found, will they do a mid year adjustment up to staff salaries? The midyear budget adjustment process in May-June will be just as important to watch. This will be a time for more restorations etc. outside of the public attention.

3. It is amazing that each year Burgess finds another pot of money. If you have followed the budget process over the years, it is the same routine; they cut and then they restore from money that mysteriously appears. That is bad training for the commissioners, because they await the magic pot each year.

4. The back room conversations are not that big of a thing in my eyes. Burgess was doing the legal one to one thing (I understood he was taking one at a time). I don't see that as an issue unless there were 3 commissioners in a closet having a conversation.

It is hard to cut to the chase on the dais because of the lack of conversational ability. The conversations on the dais have to be proceeded with the phrase, "through the chair" for every response. Although, if the manager had been given the authority or direction by the mayor in the prior weeks/months to meet with each commissioner and their staff individually, the need for off stage conversations would have been less.

5. The budget "crisis" has been happening every year. Why wasn't the budget brought into line 3 years ago when the struggle really started?

Why were people being added to the payroll when the cities were taking some of the responsibilities. It is true though, that county still has the responsibility to the UMSA and general county services population which was growing steadily, so there was a demand for services.

However, the time to dump "people" from the payroll was years ago as the positions became vacant, not after they were filled.

Anonymous said...

Too many County employees and too many County "executives" are overpaid. In addition, it has become quite clear that taxpayers cannot afford the massive contributions required of the piggy Defined Benefit Plans. Pension benefits are handed out like taffy to union members.

Alvarez, having never worked in the private sector, is clueless.

Anonymous said...

As a society, we have a responsibility to feed the elderly. That they are hungry, weak, defenseless, fragile and in many cases sickly, are conditions that exist. And most of us understand our responsibility in this regard. The tragedy is that we allow politicians to actually feed them instead of non-partisian professional service providers who are not interested in preying on them for their vote after they have been fed.

Imagine if you were in their circumstances . . . hungry and the only food of the day comes from a politician. Day after day the only real food you get comes this way. Then at election time, all they ask is that you ride to the polls in a provided bus or van and vote for them. You would glady vote for them too. . .