Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Question The Miami Herald Forgot to Ask in Their Poll. By Geniusofdespair

There was a flaw in the poll questioning featured in the Miami Herald today on the County. It is the question the pollsters neglected to ask: "Are you actually going to vote in the primary for County Commissioner?" That is when County Commissioners get elected: Not at any real election, it is the PRIMARY! The only ones who vote in the primary are people who have voted the last 4 or 5 elections. They are primarily in the 27% group, not the 45% (See graphic above - hit it to enlarge it). We are lucky to get between 11% to 18% of voters to participate at these primary elections. I told the Election Dept. that the word "PRIMARY" misleads voters into thinking there is another opportunity to vote, however, since Commission seats are non-partisan, there isn't (unless there is a run-off and there seldom is - you need at least 3 candidates for a run-off and none can get in excess of 51%).


Anonymous said...

Good point for doing away with non-partisan elections. We all know their party affiliations anyway.

Anonymous said...

Commission races shouldnt be listed on primary ballots they should be listed on real elections. Then if they need a run off they can have a run off election. The run off should be the exeption instead of the way it is now were the real election is the exception.