Sunday, September 13, 2009

Property Taxes of the High Rollers. By Geniusofdespair

Don't complain about your property taxes anymore, it could be worse. Wayne here shells out more a year in taxes than some of our homes/condos are worth and probably more than most of us make a year (unless we work for the fire department or the County). Take a look at these 2008 tax bills I found on the property appraiser's website in Miami-Dade and Broward:

Ronald Bergeron $23,439
Robert Traurig $37,501
Sanford Ziff $39,337
Aaron Podhurst $49,871
Richard Fain $52,916
Armando Codina $73,835
Sidney Levy $120,813
Norman Braman $127,765
Dean Ziff $138,857
Juan Carlos Mas $143,774
Shari Arison $166,115
H. Wayne Huizenga $253,439
And the winner on my list for highest taxes paid:

Adrienne Arsht $367,874 and that is even with her widow exemption included!

This list is not scientific -- just rich people I could think of that didn't have common names like George Perez.


youbetcha' said...

Whew. For a moment, I was concerned that my name would be on there. Thank goodness you only listed RICH people.

Actually, there are people in my neighborhood who are paying more on a percentage basis if you used the percentage from their annual income going to property taxes. In other words, the big dollars represented here does not impact the lifestyles of those illustrated property owners as much as property taxes can on the general population. This scenario is true for both people who rent (no useful cap on the taxes for the property owners)as well as those who purchased homes during the height of the bubble.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering where Norman Braman is on the pension? He's been suing the City over everything it would only makes sense that the tax payers picking up the tab when the City pension loses money seems like a natural fit for him to sue over.

Anonymous said...

Norman Braman has been right. Manny Diaz and Carlos Alvarez forcing the taxpayers to bail out the privately owned Marlins for in excess of $3 bill was stupid. Braman was right to sue. Just two to three months later Diaz and Alvarez disclose huge budget deficits. If they did not know about the deficits when they were shilling for the Marlins they should have known. Shame on Diaz and Alvarez.

Geniusofdespair said...

And Burgess: HE HAD TO KNOW!!

Anonymous said...

Philip Frost probably pays the most.