Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Meek vs Crist and even Rubio. By Geniusofdespair

A Rasmussen poll of 1,000 Florida likely voters conducted about a month ago found Crist with a 19-point lead over Meek – 48% to 29%. Ten percent (10%) like some other candidate, and 13% are not sure. Meek against Rubio not much better. Rubio defeats meek 43% to 30%. That is pretty pathetic when you can't even beat Marco Rubio. I am glad Crist is in the race. My worst nightmare: Rubio as Senator. This is the Democrats big chance to gain another seat in the Senate. What are they going to do? Bank on party loyalty to a fault I'm afraid.


Anonymous said...

The Democrats are in a hard place...they are so committed to this candidate it is hard to go back, yet, the candidate isn't viable about of South Florida. Maybe they should replace a Hispanic with a Hispanic and actually try to win this race.

Anonymous said...

comment above:
meant to say OUT OF South Florida not about.

MENSA said...

I do not like Meek at all but the republicans are so bad that I sincerely hope a good democrat gets in the race so I can vote for him without holding my nose.

Anonymous said...

This is a terrible dilemma - Stuck with a mediocre candidate whose work background consists of cop and lobbying for Wackenhut. Did he even graduate from college? That is our Senate material?

miaexile said...

Unless something dramatic happens there is not a chance in hell Mr Meek will become the new Senator from Florida. The real battle is going to be the Republican primary - from there it's smooth sailing straight to D.C. for the victor. We can only hope that Mr Meek will completely fade away from politics, along with his mother.

Anonymous said...

There is no way that Meek is going to give up his Representative for Life seat in the House. Look for a reappraisal of his candidacy in the late fall followed by a rollover of all his Senate campaign cash into his permanent House Reelection Fund.