There are rumblings of dissent in the ranks of the organizers of the Mango Strut Parade, Miami's only officially benign blowing-off-of-steam and the local and national Idiocracy in its many forms. It is a blissful parade in Coconut Grove shortly after New Year and perhaps the best contribution to the Miami melting pot from a once-stalwart Anglo majority that took its freedoms in equal parts tea, gin, and hooch. Its demise would be a shattering event for Miami, a city in continual need of satire, irony, and attention to the glorious role of the Seven Deadly Sins in its official affairs. I'm not sure of its rumored demise, but at a time of rising taxes, job insecurity and a "cash for clunker" economy, Miami needs the King Mango Strut Parade now more than ever.
There is a problem amongst the organizers. I have not had the time for the gossipy details, but one of them froze the bank account. I hope when I hear the whole story, it will include how they resolved their issues.
Frozen the mango account??? Why? Is it laudering Fidel's money? Let's figure out how to raise enough money to keep the King Marching!
Riley says: How to "raise money"
(above anon)
Call Tom Falco, EDITOR of CoConut
Grove Grapevine & get his Peacock barking losers and strut up and march on Washington.
Get in on the hill--- Gov's
got lots of pork.
How can we ever expect Palestinians and Jews or our own Republicans and Democrats to resolve their passionate differences, if two of our most treasured Grovites can’t seem to resolve this King Mango Strut issue? Both camps should make a list of 3-5 people they most trust to mediate an amicable solution and then pick the person that is on both lists. We honor the founders of the Strut and we greatly respect the efforts of all those folks that have helped make it to survive all of these years. We are all here temporarily, but the Strut must and shall endure. Harry Emilio Gottlieb
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