Friday, September 18, 2009

Gifts for Those Hard to Please Tea-Baggers. By Geniusofdespair

I researched and found these awesome choices fit for your favorite Tea Bagger! My personal favorite: The Christian American Heterosexual Pro-Gun Conservative, Any Questions? T Shirt.

P.S. Be sure to read Leonard Pitts "The Culture War is real and scary":

"I disagree with the president's use of signing statements to avoid complying with laws he doesn't like, but it would never occur to me to carry a sign vowing death to him, his wife and their ``two stupid kids'' as a protester in Maryland did, or to pray that Obama dies of brain cancer as a ``minister'' in Arizona does, or to heckle him during a joint session of Congress as Rep. Joe Wilson infamously did.

That's not dissent. It is the howl of the unhinged and the entitled. The same folks who were complacent as President Bush spent surplus into deficit, wasted $600 billion and 4,000 American lives on the wrong war and watched a major American city drown are morally outraged because the new guy wants to reform healthcare?"

"...many people feel that this is no longer the country that their Christian white forefathers built, that they have been robbed, that this isn't the world they grew up in and that they are very, very frightened -- a feeling stoked and exploited by political and media demagogues, who will loudly disclaim responsibility when that fear becomes violence."

Love that: "The howl of the unhinged..."


Anonymous said...

I like the first one better. Nice collection.

South Florida Lawyers said...

I like the old Dennis Miller line before he became whatever he is now -- "You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers -- ummm, ok?"

Cato said...

My Wife always complains when I wear my favorite T

"Gun control means not having to say I missed you"

I'm going to order me that first one

Geniusofdespair said...
