Thursday, September 03, 2009

FP&L refuses to answer questions on Nuke Expansion. By Genius & Guest Blogger Caitlin

The Hurricane room at the University of Miami was packed last night with 150 people -- all with the same nagging question: “What the hell is Florida Power and Light up to?”

Held by the South Florida Regional Planning Council, the meeting was about FPL’s proposed expansion to add two new reactors at Turkey Point and the God-awful high tension wires that the expansion would require. We heard 2 canned speech from an FPL spokesperson and a Dept. of Environmental Protection Staff Member (who appeared to be shilling for the utility). After that, the 7 or 8 blue-shirted power company employees took to the corners to answer questions "PRIVATELY ONLY.”

Strangely, the DEP guy expressed a high degree of certainty about a very complicated and scientific topic - health effects from Electric and Magnetic fields (none). In contrast, a simple question about how high the transmission lines were going to be – was never answered. (hit read more)

Person after person raised questions about public health, environmental stewardship and quality of life. No representative from FPL was available to answer those questions on the record, nor did they linger, as promised, to answer face-to-face queries.
Citizens voiced concerns that the rock mining that is required to elevate the new nuclear reactors would exacerbate salt-water intrusion into the aquifer, while also destroying farmland. Others demanded that the transmission lines from the plant be buried for safety and aesthetics.

No one stood up to speak in favor of the expansion plan. Many cited declining populations in Florida and asserted that FPL has no reason to expand. A common theme was cost—financial and environmental. No one seemed to want to foot the bill for an unpopular plan, and several people stated that the enormous amount of water necessary to sustain the reactors would not jive with South Florida’s inconsistent water supply.

Want to get involved? Be sure to attend the Tropical Audubon Society meeting September 24th at Pinecrest Library, 6pm.

Comments about FPL’s application can be sent to, and more information about the application is on SFRPC’s website.

P.S. If FP&L just gave answers they wouldn't have angered the crowd. They could have just hired professional lobbyists who are masters at manufacturing non-answers to questions by the public. They instead left scores of people mad at them. Are they that arrogant? They couldn't be that stupid.


Anonymous said...

Genius, you were there and didn't even come say hi to me? For shame.

Anonymous said...

The guy from the FL DEP scares me. In fact, the speaker from FPL trying to sell me on safe Nuclear gave me nightmares.

No one answers any questions,even privately, from FPL. They're all canned responses like programmed stepford wives.

The PSC determined there was "need" for this behind closed doors in Tallahassee. FPL is fast tracking and taking their time answering the regulatory agency's. Talk about an oxymoron.

They claim these two new reactors will power up to 750,000 homes, so what are they doing with the surpluss. We don't have that kind of growth down here nor did we, though I'm sure a Parkland & Krome Gold 1 & 2 would add to the power needs down here, but it would only be about 1% - 2% of the expected capacity.

FPL claims they will create 3600 temporary jobs and up to 800 permanent jobs. Doesn't this sound like the Marlins? Sell jobs, whether they exist or not.

FPL has more money than brains and could care less about the environment because it's not a shareholder.

It's a great time to be off the grid, which I am, because at least I'll have power during a storm and won't have to pay their rate increases to put power lines along the US 1 corridor or pay for their nuclear plants.

And, I could go on about the road expansions to the plant or the destruction of 100's of acres of actively used farmland, but what's the point.

FPL has bought and paid for their people to approve this monster in the making. I have no faith in any regulatory agency approving this because it sounds rubber stamped already and no one really cares what happens down here in South Dade - foreclosure capital of Florida.

I can only hope all the new workers fill in all the foreclosed housing near the plant so at least we won't have ghost towns and they'll be the most affected if something goes wrong.

Hey, thanks BCC or dictators of Dade. You're doing a fine job protecting the citizens and taxpayers. Thanks for approving everything FPL brings to you. I hope their campaign contrubtions and ego boosting was worth it.

Geniusofdespair said...

Stephen -- I think I saw you...and then you were gone.

Geniusofdespair said...

Stephen - see photo i added....

Anonymous said...

Yeah that's me! I didn't know you were going to be there. I was really ticked off by that point. After McBee spoke to us like we were in kindergarten, I wanted to walk out of the room.

Anonymous said...

Wow. FPL wants these people to pay more, despite their record profits and generous CEO packages, but they won't give them the time of day. I hope the Governor and Cabinet ACTUALLY represent the public this time and reject this ill conceived plan for new reactors!

Anonymous said...

Mind if I use that picture on my blog? Who should photo credit go to?

Anonymous said...

From the agenda: The public will also have an opportunity to ask questions and provide comment. Information received may be used to formulate an affected agency’s recommendation, regarding the application. (Participation at these meetings will not be considered or used by the Administrative Law Judge to make a recommendation to the Governor and Cabinet regarding approval of new generator and transmission lines.)

Thanks for nothing!

Anonymous said...

People come to South Florida for the Sun, Sand, and Environment. Not for Nuclear fact people might leave because of nuclear power. We need to protect our natural resources that are vital to our lifestyle here.

Geniusofdespair said...

Stephen: Photos credit to Eyeonmiami

Thomas Saporito said...

If you would like to be represented for FREE at a hearing to stop FPL from building these two nuclear plants, please contact me at my website.

I am intending to file documents for a formal hearing to stop these nuclear plants - so please contact me.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me where the 60,000 metric TONS of spent fuel we currently have to store is going to go? Yucca Mountain is out of the picture. I can take my house off-grid right now for $50k. Why isn't that a viable solution?
CEW in Miami

Anonymous said...

FPL's plan is to store the waste from the current reactors, and the two new ones that are planned, in a dry storage area within a stone's throw (literally)of Biscayne Bay and the National Park. All the waste ever generated by the current reactors is still on site, and likely will never leave unless a permanent respository is constructed somewhere else by the Feds. Which means it may never leave Turkey Point.