Wednesday, September 16, 2009

City of Miami Mayor's Debate Tonight, Michael Putney Moderates. By Geniusofdespair

This one should be good, Putney does a great job at moderating.


Anonymous said...

Underdog Joe Sanchez shows a weak grasp of the issues. He obviously does not understand the agreement to bail out the Marlins he championed. He fails to understand the City's financial problems are due to his votes while Chairman of the Commission and his dependence on advice from his mentor Manny Diaz.

Anonymous said...

Please spare us. Sanchez talks about the issues and understands them. He wants to bring solutions and improve the quality of life for residents. Regalado talks and talks and says nothing. And my god talk about a nasty bunch of people. There were some real psychos there last night. Total disrespect for the process; talking, screaming, booing, yelling, spitting. They have lots of class, its all low. This city is in trouble if these Regalado mooching botelleros take over.

Anonymous said...

Regalado mooching botelleros?!
Where we at the same debate? Sanchez had people with air horns and screaming. Every time Regalado spoke there were people screaming "you lie!" After when it ended he had a bunch of volunteers screaming and signing outside, the guy even brought his own camera crew!

Ned said...

I went there to see both candidates and learn. After what I saw and heard, my vote will go to Sanchez. The Regalado supporters started the booing, yelling, and talking while Sanchez spoke. Then the Sanchez support retaliated, not right but can't blame them. The crowd noise and heckling was embarrasing.

Anonymous said...

To second anon: Typical Regalado response: distorting the facts. The air horns and screaming Joe fans were outside: not inside the auditorium making noise and being disrespectful like the Regalado clan.

Anonymous said...

I was there. Joe was prepared and answered all of his questions succintly as Mr. Putney requested. A woman sitting behind keep screaming obsenities. I turned and said politely, senora por favor (ma'm, please). She spit on me. How shocking and sad. TC.

Anonymous said...

To comment #1, yes, Joe is the underdog and is the champion for the underdog and the underserved. But last night, he was certainly not the underdog. He showed indepth knowledge about the city's finances and more importantly, solutions. Heather.

Michelle Niemeyer said...

My favorite line of the evening came from Regalado. In defending the fact his wages were garnished and he had tax liens on his house, he said, in essence, "Lots of people don't pay their taxes." He explained that they couldn't pay when his wife lost her job, but if you have paid your withholding and/or quarterly estimated tax payments, shouldn't you have already paid? Something doesn't add up.

I agree with the comments above about the lack of decorum. It was embarassing and I hope won't happen again.

Anonymous said...

I was also there and I have to agree with the statements above. It was an ambush aimed at Joe Sanchez. Even with all of those disrespecting comments and people he maintained his composure. He certainly had a grasp on all the issues and explained his reasons for voting the way he did. Always with the community and not special interest groups in mind. Regalado always says to look at his voting record, I'd rather see what he's done in his district. What has he accomplished? Actions speak louder than words. MK

Anonymous said...

People will remember that Joe Sanchez voted in favor of a well connected developer who wanted to build three high rises in North Grove. The neighbors objected and Joe ignored them and he voted for the developer.

People will remember that Joe Sanchez voted to take the taxpayers money to give to a privately owned foreign based company (Marlins). That decision will cost the taxpayers over $3 bil.

Anonymous said...

Mr Regalado even said that If he did'nt have money to pay his taxes that we should all be proud of him. Earth to space..hello...breaking news story...that is nothing to be proud of sir.

Anonymous said...

People will remember that Joe Sanchez has voted for progress and to provide jobs for this community, something Regalado cannot claim.

Anonymous said...

Joe Sanchez voted to allow politically influential contractors to hire their workers from Mexico and Tennessee. City of Miami hires workers from Broward County. Miami residents stay unemployed. Great job, Joe.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! and politically influential contractors and developers have donated to Regalado's campaign. Excellent job Tomas!!!

Anonymous said...

What is Regalado doing for the unemployed? He claims to support the stadium but not the deal. Now that the deal is done what is he doing to support the stadium? The Marlins might have stated that that a new stadium will not bring tourist but please, don't tell me that a new stadium, on prime time tv, will not attract those tourist and highlite Miami as a destination. Especially when our northern friends are under two feet of snow. You need to look at the big picture. The money that was earmarked by the state would have gone to Miami Beach or Homestead. Joe Sanchez made sure it went to us. This opportunity was not coming back around. He made a tough decision at this moment in time and you might not agree with his choice but try to understand his vision. He's fighting for his city. That's what a Mayor does. MK

Gifted said...

Political contractors and developers donate.
Thats what they do.
I give one guy 500. I give another guy 500. etc etc.
How each Politician votes....that something else.

The benefit of both candidates is you have over a decade of voting to judge them.

And let me make this clear. A Tiger does not change stripes.

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you what my highlight (low light) was. Betty Sanchez and her two young children were sitting in the front row. Everytime I heard people yelling obsenities, I would look over to see the reaction on their little faces. It was not a shining moment. I wish the crowd had been more sympathetic. How sad for the kids and Betty to see how their loved one was being treated. Betty tried to keep her composure but I could see the sting of hurt on her face after every nasty word was slung in her husband's direction. TC.

Anonymous said...

Gifted, you are absolutely correct. That is exactly the reason Regalado will never change . He will continue to be the candidate of negativity, doom and gloom, playing on people's emotions.

Anonymous said...

You also have over a decade to see their accomplishments. Joe Sanchez has a long list of those which proves he doesn't just talk....he makes it happen. The one thing that's always bothered me about Regalado is that he does well in pointing out all of the problems but I've yet to hear any solutions. I've yet to see him champion an issue. MK

Anonymous said...

Tommy actually said last night that we should be proud he didn't pay his taxes. Are you kidding me? Then fall back on "it was a personal assault"...look if Clinton can almost be impeached from the presidency for his "personal" issue, the fact that regalado didn't pay his taxes for several years is fair game. And besides that it isn't a personal issue, it's public record, and it does make a difference WHEN YOU ARE RUNNING FOR MAYOR. Personal issues are more like his whole mistress issue, which IS a personal issue, and therefore, not brought up.


Gifted said...

Your decision on who to vote were was made a long time ago.
As was mine.

Anonymous said...

Regalado has made a career out of criticizing Mayor Diaz and others and now that he is being questioned he can't stand the heat...get out of the kitchen then. You want to talk respect, his outburst and tirade last week and utter lack of class by throwing his papers to the floor paint the complete picture of who this man is. Please. Talk about a classic banana republic tantrum. Does he have the decorum and whats needed to unite? Not!

Anonymous said...

I want to move...

Anonymous said...

Really. Because at the debate Putney kept having to correct Sanchez he corrected him like three times. The personal attacks, the Union vote, and the Marlins stadium with hard cost vs soft cost.
All those things he said were lies Putney backed up with real facts. I rather a guy that gets fed up at the 14th hour with how things are being run then a guy who grand stands all night.

Ned said...

Gotta tell you, maybe Putney should run for Mayor. He was soft in allowing the Regalado hecklers to get out of hand. Should of laid down law fast and hard on people, it was embarassing. From what I have seen regalado does most of the grandstanding and panders to the Cuban community. Wake up folks this ain't Cuba.

Anonymous said...

I agree, for the first time ever, Putney lost control of a debate...It's not easy, especially when you have a Commissioner up there like Regalado that throws papers around and yell when he doesn't have the floor during Commission meetings. But still, Putney should've asked people to reserve comments until the end. By the way, did I hear it right?! Did Regalado actually say that we should be proud of him because he didn't pay taxes?! What a joke!

Anonymous said...

Sanchez works for a gambling business. Snachez demanded the taxpayers pay $3 bil to a single private company.

Regalado explained his past tax arrears by stating his late wife lost her job at a time when he had multiple tuitions to pay. He stated he subsequently paid all his back taxes.

Anonymous said...

Last I checked the Micosukees are in a legal business. Sanchez did not demand anything, he just took a vote, something Regalado abstains from doing often or simply votes no. Regalado uses this sorry excuse of his wife losing her job and he did not pay his taxes because he had tuitions to pay. Sure, he even said we should all be proud of him for not paying his taxes. this guy is just a disaster with his finances and has a total disregard for doing things right. How else would you explain his financial disclosure form stating he has a net worth of $5,000. Not even he believes that but he wants us to believe it. He is not qualified to run this city.

Geniusofdespair said...


All of you campaign workers repeating the same thing over and over...give it a rest. We aren't that stupid. We can see who is writing these comments. They do not appear real to me, only campaign rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a hired campaign worker, I'm a person who lives in his district. I was also at that debate and Regalado actualy had the nerve to say that we should be proud that he hasn't paid his taxes. The nerve of the guy! With a net worth of $ 5 grand and he's suppose to run our city? You give me a break!! MK