Commission Chair Moss defends the 18 raises he handed out by saying his staff have new duties because he is the "Chair" according to the Miami Herald. The problem with that defense, Commissioner Moss, is that your Chairmanship will be gone in 2 years but those raises have bumped up staff salaries for the next 20 or 30 years. That 22 percent raise you gave to your assistant, translates to half a million bucks over the long haul, and you have also increased the pension. One of 110 comments so far on the Herald Website said:
So the previous chairman Martinez gave his staff raises for so-called increased responsibilities. Did their salaries go back to the pre-chairman levels after Moss took over? donkeyho (actually Donkey, the previous chair was Bruno Barreiro but he is unmemorable so I don't blame you for forgetting)
Again, I say this salary stuff is a red herring -- small stuff in comparison to other things they are doing at County Hall to slap around citizens.
By itself, the salaries are a red herring.
But they indicate the systemic abuse of taxpayers at the hands of County and City Hall. It is also something that everyone who works for a living can understand.
you hit the nail on the head. People can easily relate to this. They can't relate to the commissioners making petition drives all but impossible and gutting public financing of campaigns -- more important but harder to see the implications of. Someone should look at Natacha's personal travel junkets on our dime. The people are ripe to rag on her for trips to India and other exotic locales in the name of "Trade".
Since it is almost impossible to remove an incumbent in an election, they seem to be able to do whatever they want at the public's expense. These large pay raises in the wake of a financial meltdown is just business as usual.
Okay so we have Alvarez and Moss justifying the increases due to job consolidations and expansion due to their assistants additional responsibilities. Now the investigation needs to go after the other twelve commissioners and it would be a crime to fail to include George Burgess' staff. Now if his team were given increases after Alvarez did his deed, we are going to have a big problem.
mayors staff = county managers staff, in theory they are one and the same.. they just never happened to combine them, even though they are the same office. Meant getting rid of some of them from the managers side, but they run the joint, so they couldn't.
All so corrupt. This is the staff that demanded the taxpayers pay 99% of the costs for a stadium to benefit a private foreign company.
Moss should go back to wherever he came from.
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