"I called you today and was told by one of your 18 Assistant County Managers, that you were on vacation in Australia and you could not call me because you were out of reach. I tried to get the telephone number to your hotel, but they would not give it to me.
Last week, your secretary called my secretary to inform me that you could no longer attend or provide an Assistant County Manager, a Senior Advisor to the County Manager, an Executive Assistant to the County Manager, a Special Assistant to the County Manager, or one of your 18 Assistant County Managers to examine municipal problems in Fontainebleau, Westchester and Kendall (District 10) (UMSA – Unincorporated Municipal Service Area). We have checked the salaries of all these assistants of yours, and they total over $3.5 million. (Hit read more) You can probably add another half a million dollars in benefits. I want to know if any percentage of these salaries are paid with UMSA tax dollars. I want you to know that the community is pretty angry about the high salaries in Miami-Dade County government in general. Now is the time to do more with less. But I see that you don’t know how to manage in difficult times. Managing when there is lots of money around is easy. Let me remind you that the Westchester-Kendall area is the top per capita vote producer area in Miami-Dade County. Everyone is watching.
As you are aware, I have expected all your predecessors, County Managers, over the past 15 years: Joaquin Avino, Armando Vidal, Merritt Stierheim, and Steve Shiver to dedicate 2 or 3 hours a week to their other responsibilities, as the Municipal Managers for the tax payers and residents of UMSA (Unincorporated Municipal Service Area). (In District 10, that I represent, we are 100% UMSA.) They all understood this as an important function and responsibility since in addition to their responsibility as County Manager, they are responsible for overseeing the services provided to the residents of UMSA (the largest “city” in Miami-Dade County) for the $481 million in taxes that they paid last year alone. In the past, all your predecessors attended these Friday tours of the Unincorporated areas of Westchester, Fontainebleau and Kendall themselves, even though they all had less than half the number of Assistant County Managers to help them than you have today. Over the past three years, you began attending less and less frequently and sending your Assistant County Managers instead. Lately, you send the Assistant to the Assistant County Manager and I have not complained about your diminishing involvement in overseeing the Unincorporated Areas and the municipal services provided to the Unincorporated Areas.
You have shortchanged my constituents of District 10 by dedicating your time to other “more important” matters to you, like the tunnel or the baseball stadium. I too have a busy schedule as an elected official. However, I tour my district almost daily, including evenings and weekends to make sure that storm drains are functioning, street lights are working, shopping centers are illuminated, bulky waste trash piles are being collected, etc. You can spend hundreds of millions of dollars on new departments like 311, on management strategies and plans, on studies, on surveys and opinion polls, but unless you go into the neighborhoods to look at the problems that are clearly visible and talk to the people paying the taxes and using the services, you are wasting millions of dollars in tax payers monies.
All the studies, theories and surveys won’t uncover deterioration of municipal services, and get the pulse of the community. By the way, since you moved from Budget Director to County Manager, the number of departments has increased from 34 to 50, most of it under your administration. While the County Administration was growing, the services were diminishing and the areas of County responsibility were diminishing too. Dade County lost eight large areas of Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, where we provided municipal services ten years ago, as new cities incorporated (Aventura, Sunny Isles Beach, Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay, Cutler Bay, Miami Gardens, Miami Lakes, and Doral). However, you kept creating departments and inflating the budget.
The time for bureaucrats in fancy offices is gone. It is time for pounding the pavement to see firsthand the pain and suffering that our tax payers and small businesses are experiencing, in these difficult moments of deep economic recession that we are living.
I am very disappointed in your decision of not touring District 10, 100% UMSA, anymore on a weekly basis, and in the manner in which you communicated this decision through your secretary. This means that you do not have the time or staff to dedicate to the tax payers of Westchester, Fontainebleau, and Kendall (District 10).
I can see that you are “too busy” to talk to me, the Commissioner of the area. If you insult me, you are in fact insulting the community that I represent.
I won’t forget these actions."
And I won't forget what Souto said here: We have checked the salaries of all these assistants of yours, and they total over $3.5 million.
OMG, he makes sense! What a great memo. I hope the other Commissioners of the UMSA areas take heed and hold Burgess responsible (though I won't hold my breath). I think budget cuts should start right in the County Manager's department and scale everything back in County Hall to where it was in 2002, just like our property values are around a 2002 level (and that's just a guess of averages). Thanks for posting this. It made my morning.
Souto hit the nail on the head. He's exactly right about the Burgess Bloat -- the County's uncanny abililty to increase county departments, and the number of assistant county managers while not increasing services to UMSA residents.
Great memo Commissioner Souto. It's truth written with lightening.
Souto even gets it!!! When is this County going to wake up and demand a change at the County Manager's Office?!?!? George Burgess has been nothing short of a disaster, and it gets worst by the day. He has to go. Who is with me?
Souto gets it? What do you work in his office.
Souto talks about the Marlins deal as if he were detached from it in this memo, accusing Burgess of devoting too much time to the deal. SOUTO VOTED IN FAVOR OF IT!
Souto votes for the wrong things, and then he takes Burgess to task for implementing them. No wonder Burgess has no time to go to Souto's district, he is too busy putting bad programs in place and fighting lawsuits for developers.
That was a great memo!! Eliminate Burgess and all of his cronies. We elected a Strong Mayor and do not need Burgess or any of 100 assistants. Funny sidenote Burgess placed his main assistant Susie Torriente to head the Department of Sustainability. He knows the are going to start chopping heads and he is making sure all of his evil doers are secure, WTF???
If nothing else he is consistent. He fell asleep five times while writing it. At least he writes how he speaks.
The man is a total wacko, egomaniac and stalker. That anyone thinks he "gets it" shows why we're stuck with him and the other losers on the board.
Yes there are lots od losers on the board but the BIGGEST LOSERS of all are on the 29th floor, actually strike that the bigeest losers are all of us fools stuck with the bill.
Throw Them All Out!!!!!!
Those of you bashing me for making the comment that "Souto EVEN gets it" (note the use of the word "EVEN") are missing the point, or rather, probably ignoring the point, as you are likely employed on the 29th floor of the Clark Center. By my comment, I clearly was implying that Souto doesn't usually get anything right, including the Marlins deal. What he gets is that this County government is way to large, extremely inefficient, and there is plenty of waste that needs to be discarded, starting with the County Manager. A position by the way that has been rendered almost powerless in the County Charter by virtue of the Strong Mayor initiative, but however, inexplicably he has maintained his power, and $400,000.00 a year salary.
So, last anon, go ahead, defend your Manager... That is the person that Souto is attacking in the memorandum, the subject of this blog entry. Tell me where Souto is wrong in the memorandum, I dare you!
Yes sir, Souto is a great filler of potholes in his own district! He has consistently voted to screw other districts including moving the UDB, building mega roads outside the UDB, approving a ball park we will pay for for decades and voting against self determination through incorporation. He is a small minded piece of work who apparently does not know how to connect the dots.
Souto is a political idiot savant. Among the disconnected thoughts and actions exist timely and brilliant observations. Don't try to explain the origin, just enjoy the result.
Although I agree with Souto on many of the points brought up (so rare for Javier to find either style OR substance, this has both) lets not canonize the guy just yet. Unless I'm reading it wrong, He's not making a stand against the bloated dragon, instead it sounds like his feelings have been hurt. Sounds to me that if Burgess had sent ONE of 22 "managers" to his meetings then he would be ok. Souto is not being magnanimous, he is a lover scorned.
Or he is a commissioner who wants to be kingly in his district and the disrespect reflects badly on him with his subjects.
Looks like the 29th Floor has decided not to comment anymore.. Too bad, I love the back and forth with those types. I think what we should take away from this is that Burgess is a horrible, and he needs to go.
We have a Strong Mayor. Oh yes. He and his staff are supposed to be running the county.
Wrong. It never happened. The county manager whose office of smart folks never really meshed with the mayors staff (into one organization) has managed push people aside on the 29th floor who are supporters of the incumbent mayor.
What we do have is a strong county manager and mayor who gets his thoughts written out for him. We thought the manager would go away after the election, since we had a strong administrator/Strong Mayor and there would be no need for a manager. Hah, are we mistaken.
Perhaps, since the mayor and county manager did not see fit to meet individually with the commissioners or their staff to review the budget numbers in this time of crisis, the commissioners are a bit ticked.
Can you imagine being required to ratify your corporation’s billion dollar budget without personal one-on-one with the CFO or CEO, the people who wrote it?
Can you imagine walking into the Board Room and being given multiple volumes of paper and being told “vote it UP or vote it DOWN, but don’t ask us for any additional information or clarification. We (mayor and county Manager) have to lay off people because this is YOUR budget (county commissioners) and you will cause those people to suffer, not us.”
This mayors budget is a brutal ploy by the mayor to embarrass the commissioners. He has set them up to be the fall guys for the county management issues.
The county manager is big on trips. Used to be to going to Boston, where he learned a about stadiums. Now, he is on vacation, lucky ducky to be Downunder while he leaves the county staff to deal with the worse budget ever. Maybe he doesn't want to see the pink slips being printed.
Somehow, I don't see Susie T being put into the Office of Sustainability as a reward. That is Siberia. That has the earmarks of her saying something to someone who didn't want to hear it.
Of course, the mayor's staff isn’t all angels either. Some of them make Steve Shiver look rational. Others are true public servants and really care about the people the serve throughout the county.
Souto's memo is good and it is fun. It is a memo that lays out the facts. His Friday tours are famous. Any one in his district knows about them and appreciates the fact that he CARES about the community enough to be out in it. I don't work for the county and would not want to work there as the atmosphere seems scary and abusive. It is hard enough for me to work in corporate offices without the certifiable politics that county employees face.
Kudos to Souto. The memo was truthful and a zinger. God Bless his Heart.
This is too funny. Can you imagine him say this on the dais?
People love to gripe about county government and all the taxes they pay but I would love to see how they could afford all the services they get if they had to pay private companies for these and subsidize the executive bonuses. County government is not perfect but at least it's more accountable and affordable than the other options which would just have the affluent areas in a city looking nice because they can afford it and everyone else living like crap.
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